Hi all! Reminder! The early registration deadline for Commercial Users of Functional Programing (CUFP) is this Friday, August 18. Registration is available from the ICFP registration page: http://regmaster2.com/conf/icfp2006.html CUFP will take place on Thursday, September 21st, the day after ICFP. The final program for CUFP is now available: 8:30 Haskell and the Linspire Toolchain. Clifford Beshers, Linspire Inc. 9:00 Automated Testing of Reactive Systems with SML. Steve Sims, Reactive Systems, Inc. 9:30 Scheme in Space. Richard Cleis, Air Force Research Lab. 10:00 B R E A K 10:30 Mission Critical OCaml: Experiences using FP in Finance. Yaron Minsky, Jane Street Capital. abstract 11:00 Why Functional Programming Matters to Credit Suisse. Gabriele Keller and Lennart Augustsson, Credit Suisse First Boston. abstract 11:30 Group Discussion: Mixed Mode Approaches and/or Finding Employees. 12:00 L U N C H 2:00 Analysis of Microprocessor Components with a Functional Language-based Formal Verification Toolbox. Roope Kaivola, Intel Corporation. 2:30 Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: Selling Bluespec to Hardware Designers. Rishiyir Nihkil, Bluespec, Inc. 3:00 Group Discussion: Adoption of New Technology: Making the Case. 3:30 B R E A K 4:00 Artifically Intelligent Haskell. J. Garret Morris, Aetion Inc. 4:30 Betting on Functional Programming and Winning. Erik Stenman, Kreditor. 5:00 Wrap-Up.