open Camlp4.PreCast open Syntax let rec mklistupexp loc top = function | [] -> <:expr@loc< Bindlib.unit [] >> | e1::el -> <:expr@loc< Bindlib.unit_apply2 (fun x y -> [ x::y ]) $e1$ $mklistupexp loc false el$ >> let mktuppleupexp loc el = match el with [] -> <:expr@loc< Bindlib.unit () >> | [e] -> <:expr@loc< Bindlib.unit $e$ >> | _ -> let et, preambule, preambule2, _ = List.fold_left (fun (et,ex,el,i) e -> let namex = "x#"^string_of_int i in let namey = "y#"^string_of_int i in (match et with Some et -> Some <:expr@loc<$et$,($lid:namex$ $lid:"v#"$)>> | None -> Some <:expr@loc<($lid:namex$ $lid:"v#"$)>>), (fun next -> ex (<:expr@loc>)), (fun next -> el (<:expr@loc>)), i+1) (None, (fun next -> <:expr@loc>), (fun next -> next), 0) el in let et = match et with None -> <:expr@loc<()>> | Some et -> et in let right = preambule2 <:expr@loc<(fun $lid:"v#"$ -> $et$)>> in preambule <:expr@loc $right$)>> let mkarrayupexp _loc el = let et, preambule, preambule2, _ = List.fold_left (fun (et,ex,el,i) e -> let namex = "x#"^string_of_int i in let namey = "y#"^string_of_int i in (<:expr<$lid:namex$ $lid:"v#"$>>::et), (fun next -> ex (<:expr>)), (fun next -> el (<:expr>)), i+1) ([], (fun next -> <:expr>), (fun next -> next), 0) el in let right = preambule2 <:expr<(fun $lid:"v#"$ -> [|$list:List.rev et$|])>> in preambule <:expr $right$)>> let mkrecordupexp _loc w le = let ew,start = match w with None -> None, (fun next -> <:expr>) | Some e -> Some(<:expr<$lid:"w#"$ $lid:"h#"$ $lid:"v#"$>>), (fun next -> <:expr>) in let rec rb_to_list = function Ast.RbNil _ -> [] | Ast.RbSem(_,a,b) -> rb_to_list a @ rb_to_list b | Ast.RbEq(_,idt,e) -> [idt,e] | Ast.RbAnt _ -> assert false in let et, preambule, _ = List.fold_left (fun (et,ex,i) (lbl,e) -> let name = "x#"^string_of_int i in (<:rec_binding<$lbl$ = ( $lid:name$ $lid:"h#"$ $lid:"v#"$ ) ; $et$>>), (fun next -> ex (<:expr>)), i+1) (<:rec_binding<>>, start, 0) (rb_to_list le) in match ew with Some ew -> preambule <:expr { ($ew$) with $rec_binding:et$ })>> | None -> preambule <:expr { $et$ })>> let expr1_semi_list = "bindlib_expr1_semi_list" let binding = "bindlib_binding" let freshin = "bindlib_freshin" let lbl_expr_list = "bindlib_lbl_expr_list" let lbl_expr = "bindlib_lbl_expr" let _ = EXTEND Gram expr: LEVEL "apply" [ [ e1 = SELF; "^^"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr> | e1 = SELF; "^|^"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr> | e1 = SELF; "(^"; el = LIST0 expr LEVEL ":=" SEP "," ;"^)" -> if Ast.is_expr_constructor e1 then begin let e = ref e1 in let n = List.length el in for i = 1 to n do e := <:expr<$!e$ $lid:"x"^string_of_int i$>> done; for i = n downto 1 do e := <:expr $!e$>> done; match el with [] -> <:expr> | [e1] -> <:expr> | [e1;e2] -> <:expr> | e1::e2::el -> let e0 = <:expr> in List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr>) e0 el end else begin <:expr<$e1$ $mktuppleupexp _loc el$>> end ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "top" [ [ "letvar"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; x = expr -> let name = match str with Some e -> e | None -> <:expr< $str:id$ >> in begin match fr with None -> <:expr> | Some ctxt -> <:expr> end | "letvar"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; "("; n = expr LEVEL "top";")"; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; x = expr -> let names = match str with Some e -> e | None -> <:expr $str:id$^(string_of_int i))>> in begin match fr with None -> <:expr> | Some ctxt -> <:expr> end ] ]; match_case0: [ [ "bind"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; g = LIDENT; "->"; f = expr -> let e1 = <:expr> in let name = match str with None -> <:expr> | Some name -> name in let e2 = match fr with None -> <:expr> | Some ctxt -> <:expr> in <:match_case< $lid:"#e"$ -> $e2$>> | "bind"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; "("; arity = LIDENT; ")"; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; g = LIDENT; "->"; f = expr LEVEL "top" -> let e1 = <:expr> in let names = match str with None -> <:expr> | Some names -> <:expr $lid:arity$) then invalid_argument "bad array size for names array in match ... with bind" else (); $names$}>> in let e2 = match fr with None -> <:expr< let $lid:id$ = Bindlib.new_mvar $fv$ $names$ in $e1$>> | Some ctxt -> <:expr< let ($lid:id$,$lid:ctxt$) = Bindlib.new_mvar_in $lid:ctxt$ $fv$ $names$ in $e1$>> in <:match_case< $lid:"#e"$ -> let $lid:arity$ = Bindlib.binder_arity $lid:"#e"$ in $e2$ >> ] ]; expr: LEVEL "~-" [ [ "bindvar"; id = LIDENT; "in"; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> <:expr> | "bindvar"; id = LIDENT; "("; ")"; "in"; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> <:expr> | "bind"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> let name = match str with Some e -> e | None -> <:expr< $str:id$ >> in begin match fr with None -> <:expr $e$) >> | Some ctxt -> <:expr $e$) >> end | "bind"; fv = expr LEVEL "simple"; id = LIDENT; "("; n = expr LEVEL "top"; ")"; str = binding; fr = freshin; "in"; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> let names = match str with Some e -> e | None -> <:expr $str:id$^(string_of_int i))>> in begin match fr with None -> <:expr $e$) >> | Some ctxt -> <:expr $e$) >> end ] ]; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "[^"; "^]" -> <:expr< Bindlib.unit [] >> | "[^"; el = expr1_semi_list; "^]" -> <:expr< $mklistupexp _loc true el$ >> | "[|^"; "^|]" -> <:expr< Bindlib.unit [||] >> | "[|^"; el = expr1_semi_list; "^|]" -> mkarrayupexp _loc el | "{^"; lel = label_expr; "^}" -> mkrecordupexp _loc None lel | "{^"; e = expr LEVEL "."; "with"; le = label_expr; "^}" -> mkrecordupexp _loc (Some e) le | "(^"; el = LIST0 expr LEVEL ":=" SEP ","; "^)" -> mktuppleupexp _loc el ] ]; expr: AFTER "^" [ RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; "^::"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< Bindlib.unit_apply2 (fun x y -> [ x::y ]) $e1$ $e2$ >> ] ]; expr1_semi_list: [ [ e = expr LEVEL "top"; ";"; el = SELF -> e :: el | e = expr LEVEL "top"; ";" -> [e] | e = expr LEVEL "top" -> [e] ] ] ; binding: [ [ "as"; e = expr LEVEL "apply" -> Some e | -> None ] ] ; freshin: [ [ "for"; id = LIDENT -> Some id | -> None ] ] ; lbl_expr_list: [ [ le = lbl_expr; ";"; lel = SELF -> le :: lel | le = lbl_expr; ";" -> [ le ] | le = lbl_expr -> [ le ] ] ] ; lbl_expr: [ [ i = ident; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> (i, e) ] ] ; END ;;