Dario Teixeira wrote:
Probably.  Its widgets are also much nicer looking, and apps written
with it don't look jarringly out of place on a modern desktop the way
Tk apps do.  (All IMO, of course.)


Still on the subject of toolkits, is there a reason why there aren't any
OCaml bindings for Qt?  I mean, is it simply because no one ever bothered
to implement one, or are there license incompatibility issues?

I have used both Qt and Gtk before, and in my opinion, not only does
Qt's elegance give it an edge over Gtk, it also feels like it would be
a better match to OCaml.

The problem as I understand things is that C++ doesn't play nice with any language that is not C++ or explicitly designed to work with C++ (cue Skaller).  This is especially true if you use the fancy features of C++ like templates and operator overloading, which Qt does.  Which makes it much easier to use in C++, but much harder to bind to any other language.

Note that this is true of all languages- it'd be a trick to write an Ocaml to Swing binding as well.
