Hello, It seems that the problem of stack size is still not solved in OS X (limited to 8Mo by default and hard limit in the kernel to 64Mo with ulimit -s 64000). My unison is still crashing on very big changes ... However, I stumbled on this pdf (attached) which explain how to use -stack-addr and -stack-size in the gnu linker to change the stack address and size. Did anyone try this on OS X for OCaml program ? I think stack limitation, for a functional program is not good and it is even worse when the limit depends upon the platform. Cheers, Christophe -- Christophe Raffalli Universite de Savoie Batiment Le Chablais, bureau 21 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex tel: (33) 4 79 75 81 03 fax: (33) 4 79 75 87 42 mail: Christophe.Raffalli@univ-savoie.fr www: http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~RAFFALLI --------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: this mail is signed using PGP/MIME At least Enigmail/Mozilla, mutt or evolution can check this signature. The public key is stored on www.keyserver.net ---------------------------------------------