> Also, apparently one cannot search by type. It would be a nice feature > to have. Thomas, add it to the features list ! ;-) > Last thing, unrelated: from the search box one can see you have many > modules extending the stdlib (the Ocp* modules). Why another stdlib > extension instead of, say, contributing to batteries ? First, we don't have so many of them, we only put there what we needed for our set of tools. Some of them are really close to the compiler, and we might submit them for inclusion in the official distribution, so we didn't want to add a dependency to Batteries or Core too early. The other reason is that we haven't tried Batteries or Core enough yet, we have constraints, and we must make sure that if we rely on the some library, the library fit these constraints. For example, I know that Core has not been tested on Windows, and I don't know for Batteries. Also, we want to separate between "lang" and "system", i.e. modules that can be implemented with the core language, and modules that have system dependencies. Finally, unlike other companies using OCaml, we want to provide support on the language itself, which means the compilers, other dev tools, and also basic libraries. So, at some point, we will have to contribute to either Core or Batteries, or both, but before that, we need to think more about our own idea of what a good standard library should be, to choose the best candidate from our point of view. Fabrice