Hi, If some people are interested in testing more gdb support, Thomas Gazagnaire merged a few patches of OCaml and improved them to be able to debug OCaml programs line by line in gdb, in this public repo: https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocaml-testing/ (use either 3.12.1-gdb or trunk-gdb branches) There is no support for printing OCaml values, so you should use Ygrek extension for that. All comments are welcome, as we would like to get as much experience as possible to push for inclusion upstream as soon as possible. --Fabrice On 01/09/2012 01:50 AM, ygrek wrote: > Hello, > > Just a small announcement - GDB extension to inspect OCaml values : > > http://ygrek.org.ua/p/code/mlvalues.py.html > > Basically an implementation of Std.dump (and hence Obj) in python. > Not fully complete and could be enhanced in various ways, but already useful. > Enjoy. >