Hi, Thanks for your contribution ! Could you create a web page with all this information ? When we want to advertise the existence of such a package (from the hump, for example), it is better to link to a web page instead of directly to the source archive, in case the archive is updated, or something like that. --Fabrice On 02/13/2012 03:42 PM, Jean-Marc Alliot wrote: > This is an interval computation library for ocaml. The download link is : > http://www.alliot.fr/code/interval.tgz > > This library uses assembly code to compute all operations with proper > roundings (high/low), and currently ONLY works on intel processors. > The package has been developped for linux systems but should probably > work on windows distribution with a few tweaks. > > Documentation is available in the doc/ directory in html, pdf and dvi > formats. It is extremely wise to read the whole documentation, even if > you intend to only use the interval module. > > To build the library just type "make" in the main directory. > > Tests are available in the TESTS/ directory. They are mainly for > debugging purpose and quite complicated. You may run them to > check that everything is working properly for your machine. > The test program runs also a speed test program for your > particular architecture. > > Examples are available in the EXAMPLES/ directory. There is a > B_AND_B sub-directory with an example of a branch-and-bound algorithm > that uses interval arithmetics for function optimization (the > example is for the Griewank function, but you can substitute > any function you like). > > > All bug reports should be sent to > jean-marc.alliot@irit.fr > gottelan@recherche.enac.fr > > Happy interval programming... > >