On 5/30/12 9:37 AM, Dan Bensen wrote: > > > > I don't think it's good to downplay camlp4. > > > we need more documentation and more tests. > > > (The new) Camlp4 has been here for several years. > > Documentation and tests are still lagging behind. > > Is it possible for Inria or someone else to provide > funding for that? I would like to help out starting > sometime in the summer. > Actually I am writing a book about the internal part of camlp4 (100~200 pages), but nobody seems to care about it. > > the most common uses of camlp4 might be based on a much > > simpler approach ... Coq is one of the few examples of > > a big project that relies on other aspects of camlp4 > > Why not focus on optimizing new lightweight tools for > small problems and keep camlp4 for big ones? It wouldn't > be so bad if it were documented better. I think it's a good idea to build simple tools on top of existing more powerful tools instead of dropping the latter.