Dear list, My question is about how to hide modules (or parts thereof) in an ocaml package from the outside world (users of the package). I am trying to build an ocaml package with internal functionality (types and functions) that I do not want to expose. I have two modules in the package implemented by and The structure of each .mli looks like this: > module Foo = sig > type t > val make : t > val change : t -> t > > (* Internal, not to be exposed. *) > val unsafe_change : t -> t > end > module Bar = sig > type t > val combine : t -> Foo.t -> t (* uses unsafe_change *) > end As you see Foo exports unsafe_change because Bar needs it. I compile both modules using "-for-pack Foobar" and build them using the "-pack" option. However, now I want to hide "Foo.unsafe_change" from the package "export list" (if there is such a thing) so that cannot call it. I see the following options: * Merge and so that unsafe_change does not need to be exposed. I don't like this, the modules could be very large. * Split Foo into Foo_internal and Foo, and somehow keep Foo_internal invisible. I don't know how to do this. I would use "exposed-modules" in Cabal which is a package manager for Haskell. * Add the file foobar.mli which contains the signatures of Foo and Bar but hiding Foo.unsafe_change. I think it could work, but I would have to repeat much of the Foo and Bar interfaces. I tried this but it didn't work, ocaml complains as follows: > Error: The implementation (obtained by packing) > does not match the interface foobar.mli: > The field `Foo' is required but not provided I am attaching a tarball of this attempt in case someone knows what went wrong. The example is a bit different from the example in the email. So the question is: What solution do you follow when you want to hide (part of) a module in a package? Keep in mind that the hidden parts should still be exposed to the modules inside the package. A related question is how to expose the representation Foo.t so that Bar can manipulate it directly, but at the same time keep it hidden from users of the package. The following easy hack works. Create foo_type.mli with the definition of the type t: > type t = int and redefine Foo as follows: > module Foo = sig > type t = Foo_type.t > val make : t > val change : t -> t > > (* Internal, not to be exposed. *) > val unsafe_change : t -> t > end Now "t" is visible for Bar to use but we still have to hide it from the outside world. How do we do it? Well, just use "-pack" on foo.cmx and bar.cmx. We can omit Foo_types because it has no .cmx. As a consequence Foo.t becomes abstract. This probably works by accident and maybe it is not a good idea to rely on this trick. I would appreciate if you can share your experiences and perhaps point to some ocaml library that does module or partial module hiding so I can use it as an example. Thank you! Cheers, Alexey