
I'm just about to get started with caml, but I encounter a few problems.

To do something simple, I took Stephan Houben's calc.ml (from http://caml.inria.fr/FAQ/stephan.html), added a function to avoid division by zero, and tried to compile it to native code using ocamlopt (on a windows 2000 machine). Here's what I get:

D:\ocaml>ocamlopt calc.ml
'ml' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Assembler error, input left in file C:\DOCUME~1\............\Temp\camlasm8c5322.asm

Did I miss something? Am I dumb? I've tried to read the documentation for compiling (found in differen FAQs), but none of them seem to mention special constraints for the windows platform. Any tips about what to do?

Second issue (not a problem!): when I try to run the ocamlbrowser, it complains about not finding tk83.dll and tcl83.dll. Well, I seem to have a version too new for this. My files are tk84.dll and tcl84.dll. I had to make copies of them with the "older" names for ocamlbrowser to work...

Hope someone can help with the compile problem (and maybe tell me how to compile with the regexp library too?).


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