Am 27.05.2013 10:37, schrieb Fabrice Le Fessant: > On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Mr. Herr > wrote: > > > Am 26.05.2013 23 :49, schrieb Oliver Bandel: > > Which "bigger problems" do you think of? > > I think the biggest problem is you generally can only learn FP and/or Ocaml at > university, because: > > > For fun, I recently followed the Scala course on Coursera. Having the same thing > for OCaml would just be great for beginners. > > > Then the community looks very small to me, and isn't it a bit closed? > > > Closed, no, it might have looked like that a while ago, but now, there are many > people/projects trying to attract people to OCaml. Just to name a few: > - OCamlPro (pushing industrials to use of OCaml) > - OCamllabs (organizing the community around OCaml) > - (modernizing the official website) > - Jane Street (funding the previous items, and pushing Core as a potential standard > library) > - INRIA (opening the development of OCaml itself) > - OCaml'2013 (creating a conference for academics publications on OCaml) > - OPAM (simplifying the installation of OCaml) > - RealWorldOCaml (publishing a book in English for beginners) > and of course, many developers releasing their open-source contributions, > organizing local events (come to ocaml-paris meetup, next time on July 2 !) > > Small, compared to Java, yes, but I was surprised by how many people would like to > use OCaml, and cannot use it for corporate reasons, so they are not really visible. > > > And how to solve them? > > Why not go out to Usenet? You would need more tolerance to (even pointless) > discussions than toolslive@yh has shown. > > > I don't now if there is an OCaml community on Usenet (I didn't go there for the > last ten years...), but there are many discussion groups on OCaml using different > communication media (Stack Overflow, Reddit, Twitter, #ocaml, etc.), so I don't > think having _also_ the mailing-list is a problem. > I find other media not quite as good for discussions as the usenet, and a good news reader, and I am reading this list on There is on usenet, this would fit Ocaml. > > I think we need code examples to _every_ function and variable/value. > > > Indeed, people from Scilab told me that they did this, and it was a great success > for attracting users. Where is it? I did not find that yet, I only get "why is scilab not written in ocaml" when searching... > > Note that it does not need to be done by the OCaml developers themselves, anybody > can create a project on Github/Gitorious/etc. and start writing some documentation > on a module that he likes and have it published somewhere... hint, hint! Yes, sure. I was looking for tools that would insert the example code into the document, run it, and insert the result as well, some sort of advanced literate programming. /Str.