Hi OCaml fellows I would like to draw your attention to phphard project, which is a PHP source code static analyzer. Its aim is to strong type PHP programs and detect as many bugs at compile time as possible. The project is in its very early stage: most of PHP parsing is done (using ocamllex + ocamlyacc), some pretty printing is done, no real source code analysis is done. It is now hosted here: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/phphard/ https://github.com/sfindeisen/phphard (source code) I will welcome your ideas, feedback and contributions to the project. This is something I had been working on for some time, but have no resources (time+money) to finish this alone. I thinks it still makes sense to use PHP for web development as LAMP stack is quite efficient compared to some other stacks like Java. :) Plus there is lots of existing PHP code. I must confess that I have only superficially scanned through existing solutions to this static analysis problem. Some of the existing software (like HipHop VM from Facebook) seems quite complex, however I couldn't find anything that would be: * exactly scoped on PHP + static analysis * written in a functional language. Therefore I think this project has a potential and working on it can bring you glory. :) I believe purely functional style (non-modifiable data structures!) will be beneficial in this application. If you want to contribute please join the project on OCaml Forge. The source code is now on GitHub and it seems cool to me (but we can discuss that if you have arguments). -- http://people.eisenbits.com/~stf/ http://www.eisenbits.com/ OpenPGP: 80FC 1824 2EA4 9223 A986 DB4E 934E FEA0 F492 A63B