Hello list,

I developed since about a year a tools named OcLaunch. It allow to spread launch of program across session, each time a terminal (or anything else) is called.
For example, you may want to launch a client chat and several TODO list, and then verify update. If add all to your .bashrc, the output will be displayed every time it is sourced, i. e. each time you open a terminal. What a mess!
With OcLaunch, these commands are launched one at time. So

An other advantage is that your reminder are spread across your session, which remind you important task several times and may limit procrastination!

Official website is http://oclaunch.tuxfamily.org/home.html. You can find a demo video if the purpose of OcLaunch is not clear and several resources.

Email me if you need some help or to give feedback.


PS: People reading French may be interested by this page : http://linuxfr.org/news/oclaunch-launch-automagically