From my point of view, a prefixed notation M.+ does not replace all use case of local opens, for at least two reasons:

    1. It makes operators harder to spot since I can not rely any more on the first character
    2. It adds syntactic noise and thus decreases readability within the DSL

As an illustration, a simple rotation
(** Rotation on the vect(x,y) plane with an angle t
    precondition: x and y are orthonormal  *)
let rotation (x,y) t v = let open V in
  + R.( ( cos t - 1. ) * (v|*|x) - sin t * (v|*|y) ) * x
  + R.( sin t * (v|*|x) + ( cos t - 1. ) * (v|*|y) ) * y
(where V is a vector module, R the associated real-like field and |*| the scalar product)
let rotation (x,y) t v =
  V.+ ( ( cos t R.- 1. ) R.* ( v V.|*| x ) R.- sin t R.* ( v V.|*| y ) ) V.* x
  V.+ ( sin t R.* ( v V.|*| x ) R.+ ( cos t R.- 1. ) R.* ( v V.|*| y ) ) V.* y
 with your proposition.

In this second version, I have a hard time separating the different subexpressions, and I don't think it would improve much with a better familiarity with the syntax.

At the same time, I do agree that it would be nice to be able to use operators as operators without having to bring them in the local scope.

-- octachron

Le 08/19/15 17:55, Simon Cruanes a écrit :
This whole thread makes me wonder whether local opens are worth it. I don't like global open (at all), and shadowing is harmful even in smaller scopes. Local open seems to be used for DSL that have a lot of infix operators (maths, etc.) as demonstrated by the proposal of new warnings and syntax about shadowing of infix operators.

If modules have short names (Z, Q from Zarith come to mind, but module-aliasing your favorite monad to "M" would do too), would M.+ be a reasonable infix operator? I would be ready to have slightly more verbose calls to M.>>= if it removes ambiguity and potential shadowing bugs. Of course I don't know if this is compatible with the current syntax.
