On 2008-03-07, at 08:54, Christopher L Conway wrote:

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 2:40 AM, Soonho Kong <soon@ropas.snu.ac.kr> wrote:

Hello everyone. I'm a graduate student majoring in program analysis. I'm looking for a full-fledged C++ parser with OCAML interface. Is there a better candidate than Olmar? Please recommend one if anyone knows about it.

Have you looked at LLVM? It does have OCaml bindings, although they were only partial when last I looked.

LLVM's OCaml bindings are aimed at authoring front-ends (i.e., IR generation), and are reasonably complete from that perspective.

I don't know "how fledged" their C++ parser is.

The LLVM project includes two C front-ends (separate projects).

So, looking for a C++ parser now for a research project, you probably won't find anything of value from the LLVM project. In the longer term, clang may be significantly interesting, not only because it has a library-based design, but also because it will be used in a first-class capacity (compiler, IDE) by a large vendor (Apple).

— Gordon