> Thus, it would be interesting and important to also compare with the > code produced by a 4.03 switch compiled without flambda. coming right up (different parameters, different machine, best of 5 -- it varies quite a lot) time (ocamlbuild -clean; ocamlbuild facs_run.native) 4.03.0 1.36s 4.03.0+flambda Oclassic 1.68s O2 2.1s O3 2.80s the actual run: time ./facs_run.native 4.03.0 23.3s 4.03.0+flambda Oclassic 24.2s O2 22.7s O3 20.1s so it seems compilation on flambda classic is still a bit slower than non-flambda; as is the run time. the gains of O3 over non-flambda are still significant, as is the difference O2 vs O3. n