I posted this a couple of days ago to ocsigen list with no response. I'd appreciate any hints/help. $ opam install eliom The following dependencies couldn't be met: - eliom -> camlp4 <= 4.02+6 Your request can't be satisfied: - No package matches camlp4<=4.02+6 $ ocaml -version The OCaml toplevel, version 4.02.3 $ opam list # Installed packages for 4.02.3: base-bigarray base base-bytes base base-ocamlbuild base base-threads base base-unix base biniou 1.0.6 camlp4 4.02+7 camomile 0.8.5 cmdliner 0.9.7 conf-m4 1 conf-ncurses 1 conf-pkg-config 1.0 conf-which 1 cppo 1.1.2 depext 0.7 easy-format 1.0.2 fileutils 0.4.4 lambda-term 1.9 lwt 2.5.2 merlin 2.1.2 oasis 0.4.3 ocaml-data-notation 0.0.11 ocamlbuild 0 ocamlfind 1.6.1 ocamlify 0.0.1 ocamlmod 0.0.4 ocp-indent 0.6.1 ounit 2.0.0 ppx_tools 5.0+4.02.0 react 1.2.0 type_conv 109.41.00 utop 1.19 yojson 1.2.3 zed 1.2 Apparently I have camlp4 4.02+7 installed (as a dependency for another package). Is there anything that I can do to get this working? Thanks in advance. -- Bahman Movaqar http://BahmanM.com - https://twitter.com/bahman__m https://github.com/bahmanm - https://gist.github.com/bahmanm PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (keyserver2.pgp.com)