I don't know exactly why it did not work on windows(maybe due to some bashism?). Our solution is very clean, no dependencies on Cygwin or MSVC : )

----- Original Message -----
From: Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>
To: HONGBO ZHANG, caml-list@inria.fr
At: 01-Mar-2017 03:31:04

Great news !

> Reason syntax support is also first class, this also makes Reason for the first time available to Windows users.

Could you explain a little this statement ? I thought Reason was already available on Windows, which dependencies are missing ?


On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 4:35 PM Hongbo Zhang (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) <hzhang295@bloomberg.net> wrote:
Dear OCaml developers:
BuckleScript is an optimizing compiler for OCaml to generate readable JavaScript, it is
open sourced by Bloomberg [1].
We are glad to announce 1.5.0, Besides a number of minor bug fixes and performance improvement, most notable changes:
# Bundled Reason together thanks to contributions from Facebook Reason team, so that Reason syntax support is also first class, this also makes Reason for the first time available to Windows users.
# FFI added `bs.uncurry` which will automatically uncurry the callback so the user land API is clearer, see [2]
# Improve object label translation to cause less surprise, this might case minor backward compatibility [3]
Documentation is available here: http://bloomberg.github.io/bucklescript/Manual.html
To install:
npm install -g bs-platform
Let's make OCaml a trend in JavaScript community in 2017, together! -- Hongbo