Dear OCaml developers:
BuckleScript is an optimizing compiler for OCaml to generate readable JavaScript, it is open sourced by Bloomberg [1].
We are glad to announce 1.6.0, since release 1.5, we have seen significant external contributions, some of them are even new to OCaml, this is fantastic! Also there is an small group of people who are actively working on bindings and utilties:
This release is mostly bug fixes and performance improvement to the build system, most visible changes:
# Thanks to @glennsl, we have a nice documentation page for the Js bindings: (Note this is still work in progress)
# Much faster build even for `bsb -make-world`, the build system is now re-entrant.
# All error messages from the compiler and build are colorful
Documentation is available here:
To install:
npm install -g bs-platform
Happy hacking in OCaml! -- Hongbo
