Hi, I just wanted to share this project that I made using Ocaml.

Last weekend I attended to the MIDIHACK in Berlin which is a hackathon focused on music technology. During that hackathon I worked on a part of a project that I have been working on for some months.

Vult is a domain specific language focused on algorithms for digital signal processing, for example, making audio effects. Here is the main page of my project http://modlfo.github.io/vult/

During the hackathon I set up a platform for real-time coding/experimentation with Vult. I used js_of_ocaml to convert all the compiler to JavaScript, and using the Web Audio and MIDI API it is posible to program audio effects and synthesizers directly in the browser. You can take a look at it here http://modlfo.github.io/vult/demo.html but you need a MIDI controller to really have fun with it.

Vult is still in a prototyping stage, so there are still missing features and bugs.

Big thanks to all the people working in Ocaml and other libraries that I use.
