Hi, I'm generally averse to opening modules, as I find it can make it hard to figure out where definitions are coming from. Instead, I prefer to bind only those pieces of the module that I need, and to do so explicitly. However, there is one instance in which I find myself with little choice: record types. In order to bind the field- constructors for a record, you need to copy the entire type from the module in which its declared. For example, module Foo = struct type t = {a: int; b:int} end without copying the type: let y = {Foo.a=3; Foo.b=4} with copying: type t = Foo.t = {a: int; b:int} let x = {a=3; b=4} While this is a nuisance to begin with, its even worse if the record type is subject to change -- each time it changes, you need to update every place where you copied the definition. Is there any way around this? That is, is there any way to use the field names of a record defined in another module without opening the whole module or copying the whole definition of the record. Cheers, Yitzhak -------------------------------------------------- Yitzhak Mandelbaum AT&T Labs - Research http://www.research.att.com/~yitzhak