Hi, Tuareg and indentation does not work for me very well. I am trying to figure out how should I configure it so that I get the same indentation behavior as is used in Batteries Included. One (of several) problem is with the or-patterns in match-expressions. Here is the original sample: (behavior I like) (* https://github.com/ocaml-batteries-team/batteries-included/blob/e069e28678a0d15d338721e1ff5e480fe0ad26c5/src/batComplex.ml#L82-L83 *) match BatEnum.peek enum with | None -> {re; im = multiplier} | Some (Kwd ".") | Some (Kwd "*") -> BatEnum.junk enum; parse_im ~multiplier re | Some _token -> parse_im ~multiplier re However, Tuareg, in my currenct configuration does instead this: match BatEnum.peek enum with | None -> {re; im = multiplier} | Some (Kwd ".") | Some (Kwd "*") -> BatEnum.junk enum; parse_im ~multiplier re | Some _token -> parse_im ~multiplier re I am using: - Ocaml 4.06.0+beta2 - Tuareg 2.0.10 (installed via OPAM) and my ~/.emacs file contains just this: (load "~/.opam/4.06.0+beta2/share/emacs/site-lisp/tuareg-site-file") (setq tuareg-indent-align-with-first-arg t) (setq tuareg-match-patterns-aligned t) which is, I guess, wrong/insufficient. I'd be grateful for any hints concerning how to fix/complete the configuration in order to get indentation behavior consistent with Ocaml Batteries. Is that possible (with Tuareg or whatever other tool)? --- Matej