It is, if people could confirm to me that the existing ones work first on Raring.  There's a certain manual effort in supporting the older versions that I'll script up if the existing packages do the job.

And please do note that these PPA packages are really intended to be all you need to bootstrap OPAM and do source-based development.  They're really not intended to supplant the full range of binary packages that the Debian OCaml team develops, nor be held to the same quality standard as their packages.


On 17 Jul 2013, at 15:29, Andrew Shweduke <> wrote:

Hi Anil,

Would it be possible to support older versions (at least 12.04) of Ubuntu?


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Anil Madhavapeddy <> wrote:
I've put together two Ubuntu PPAs to make it more convenient to use modern OCaml/OPAM versions on Ubuntu via binary packages.

OPAM stable:
This includes the latest stable OCaml (4.00.1) and OPAM (1.0.0).

OPAM unstable:
This includes the latest snapshot of OCaml (4.01.0dev) and OPAM (1.0.1dev).  This should get you reasonably stable snapshot of both, and will include the release candidates of OCaml when it's released.

For now, these are experimental PPAs as I muddle my way through learning how Debian packaging works.  Reports of breakage or success to me directly would be appreciated.  Most of this PPA was based on the excellent Debian package sources, and thanks to Mehdid Dogguy in particular for the OPAM packaging.

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