On 7/20/07, Robert Pickering <robert@strangelights.com> wrote:

Hi there,

I tried out the OcaIDE on a toy project and it seemed to work well, however thes is a relatively small probable that stops me from using it in my day job for editing OCaml code. For reasons I won't go into, most of the caml code I edit is stored in files that end with either mf or mfi instead of ml and mli. Eclipse allows you to associate these files with the ocaml editor (via Window > Preferences . > Editors > File associations), however when they are opened in the editor there is no colouring and I get an error message stating "mf file extension has no associated parser." Would it be possible to fix this?

Many thanks,

All over the code, we assume that a module file has .ml as extension, and the same for interfaces -> .mli, ocamllex -> .mll, ocamlyacc ->.mly. There is work to do, but it's technically possible to let the user choose extensions. We will discuss it.

From: Rafael <unfalkster@gmail.com>
Sent: 19 July 2007 05:48
To: "Christophe Raffalli" < christophe.raffalli@univ-savoie.fr>
Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: [Caml-list] OcaIDE: a new Eclipse plug-in for O'Caml

On 7/19/07, Christophe Raffalli < christophe.raffalli@univ-savoie.fr> wrote:

> Yes exactly, let definition with very small name and/or very
> small scope do not need to be displayed in the outline.

In fact, and because we dont know what we want yet, the best would be to have

- a minimum length (in char) for indentifier
- a minimum length (in line) for scope size
- and a choice between and and or

Then you could say: I display an identifier if its length >= 3 and its scope size >= 30

Or you could say I display an identifier if its length >= 10000 or its scope size >= 30
(which means that the length is useless)

The only question is whether OCalIDE can compute the scop size of an ident ?
Yes it would be a good idea. I think it could be done, but I'm not sure, so we will have to wait until the person who writes the parser for the code (Nicolas) came back. An AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is build to represent the code, then I guess we could find the scope of a definition...

>> Regards,
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Christophe Raffalli
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