Hey David,

Would it be difficult to have python-like syntax for List.exists?  Could we add it to Hashtbl and Array too?  I'm not too fond of python's general sloppiness, but the (x in mylist) syntax seemed very pretty to me.  At the least, it correspondes directly to mathematical syntax (x \in blah, for Latex ppl).

Does this already exist in a syntax extension?

-Arthur Chan

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:49 AM, David Teller <David.Teller@univ-orleans.fr> wrote:
   Dear list,

 Now that the forge is up, it's time to (re)start thinking about the OSR
and what we want the future of the OCaml standard distribution to look
like. Other threads will be (re)spawned regarding various aspects of
that distribution, but for now, I'd like to discuss which syntax
extensions. Oh, and before this thread diverges again, let me underline
that we're *not* discussing delivery mechanisms or ocamlfind or
ocamlbuild or repositories or GODI or IDisposable or camlp4 vs.
camlp5... We're also not discussing original vs. revised syntax vs. twt
[yet], although if you consider that some extension would be much more
useful if rendered compatible with one of these syntaxes, please mention

Now, a few subjects I'd like to see covered:
* which syntax extensions do you use so often that you consider they
should be part of the language ?
* which syntax extensions are very important to you but should not be
included in the core language [yet] ?
* which syntax extensions are good ideas and should go into one of the
previous categories but miss the mark because of dependencies / cosmetic
issues and/or incompatibilities with other extensions or with the latest
camlp4 ?
* what kind of syntactic sugar is absolutely missing from the language ?

As this may come into play later, whenever you suggest an extension,
don't hesitate to comment whether you believe whom this extension would
serve: beginners ? power-users ? some more specific category ?

David Teller
 Security of Distributed Systems
 Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act brings liquidations.

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