[Apologies for multiple copies]




Workshop on Quantitative Formal Methods: Theory and Applications

Affiliated with FM'09, November 3, 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands






Quantitative Formal Methods deals with systems whose behaviour

of interest is more than the traditional Boolean "correct" or "incorrect"

judgment. That includes timing (whether discrete, continuous or hybrid),

as well as probabilistic aspects of success or failure including cost

and reward, and quantified information flow.


The major challenge for researchers is to develop quantitative techniques

that are both supple and relevant: the former is important because

theories that amplify our reasoning powers are the key to understanding

system behaviour; the latter is important because our ultimate goal is

to improve the practice of developing, deploying and certifying actual

running software in the field.


The workshop will be held in conjunction with FM2009






The aim of this workshop is to create a forum where current and

new application areas can be discussed together with verification

techniques that might apply to them. All researchers with an interest

in systems exhibiting quantitative behaviour are welcome. In particular,

papers on or related to the following topics are particularly sought:


    * Formal modeling of quantitative behavior: timed, continuous and

hybrid, probabilistic, costs and rewards, expected-value

    * Formal verification, testing, analysis as above.

    *Formal analysis of quantitative performance, broadly understood.

    *Industrial case-studies on any (combination) of the above, e.g.,

hardware verification and performance evaluation, security systems

with probabilistic behavior, risk analysis in safety-critical systems,

quantitative aspects of wireless networks, etc.

    *Quantitative techniques in refinement, simulation and bisimulation;

    *Quantitative algebraic and rewriting techniques.





The proceedings of QFM'09 will be published as a volume of the EPTCS

electronic journal. Submissions should not exceed 10 pages, and should be

formatted according to EPTCS guidelines (http://style.eptcs.org/). If necessary,

the submission may be supplemented with a clearly marked appendix,

which will be reviewed at the discretion of the program committee.


Publication of an extended version of a selection of the

papers in a journal special issue is also under consideration.


Submissions to the workshop must not have been published or be

concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All

submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on the basis of

originality, contribution to the field, technical and

presentation quality, and relevance to the workshop.


In addition to presenting their paper, participants are expected to submit

and present an ongoing project or an open problem, and to be prepared

to discuss this with the audience during a short panel session. In this way,

we hope to increase the interaction between researchers with a common

interest in quantitative formal methods but with a relatively large variety

in backgrounds.




Paper submission                July 13, 2009

Notification of acceptance    September 11, 2009

Final version                        October 2, 2009


Papers will be processed through the EasyChair conference

management system.




Marco Bernardo (Università di Urbino, Italy)

Michael Butler (University of Southampton, UK)

Holger Hermanns (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany)




Suzana Andova, The Netherlands

Annabelle McIver, Australia

Pedro D'Argenio, Argentina

Pieter Cuijpers, The Netherlands

Jasen Markovski, The Netherlands

Carroll Morgan, Australia

Manuel Nunez, Spain




Mario Bravetti, Italy

Pieter Collins, The Netherlands

Georgios Fainekos, USA

Ansgar Fehnker, Australia

Goran Frehse, France   

David de Frutos-Escrig, Spian

Bjarne Helvik, Norway

Antonin Kucera, Czech Republic

Larissa Meinicke, Australia

Anna Philippou, Cyprus

Jeremy Sproston, Italy

Paolo Tabuada, USA

Elena Troubitsyna, Finland

Verena Wolf, Germany