Hi, I'm writing a DSL where I'd like to leverage camlp4 for parsing and printing. Right now, I'm having trouble with the pretty printer. As an example, let's take the simple calculator example. With the following code, I can replace the OCaml toplevel and and print the AST for a simple algebraic expression: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ cat calc_types.ml type alg= | Add of alg*alg | Sub of alg*alg | Mul of alg*alg | Div of alg*alg | Pow of alg*alg | Int of int ;; $ cat pa_calc_ast.ml open Camlp4.PreCast open Calc_types let expression = Gram.Entry.mk "expression";; EXTEND Gram GLOBAL: expression; expression: [ "add" LEFTA [ x=SELF; "+"; y=SELF -> <:expr< Calc_types.Add($x$,$y$) >> | x=SELF; "-"; y=SELF -> <:expr< Calc_types.Sub($x$,$y$) >>] | "mul" LEFTA [ x=SELF; "*"; y=SELF -> <:expr< Calc_types.Mul($x$,$y$) >> | x=SELF; "/"; y=SELF -> <:expr< Calc_types.Div($x$,$y$) >>] | "pow" RIGHTA [ x=SELF; "**"; y=SELF-> <:expr< Calc_types.Pow($x$,$y$) >>] | "simple" NONA [x=INT -> <:expr< Calc_types.Int $int:x$ >> |"("; x=SELF; ")" -> x] ]; END;; Gram.Entry.clear Syntax.str_item ;; EXTEND Gram Syntax.str_item : [ [ e = expression -> <:str_item< let _ = $e$;; >> ] ]; END;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I now want to write a pretty printer so that the expressions returned on the top level are not so ugly. The following code does not work: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ cat pr_calc_ast.ml open Camlp4.PreCast module Id = struct let name = "Algebra Pretty Printer" let version = "$Id: Algebra Printer Version 1$" end module Make (Syntax : Camlp4.Sig.Syntax) : Camlp4.Sig.Printer(Syntax.Ast).S = struct module Ast = Syntax.Ast let print_interf ?input_file ?output_file ast = Printf.printf "Not implemented\n" let print_implem ?input_file ?output_file ast = match ast with | <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> -> (match e with | <:expr< Calc_types.Add($x$,$y$) >> -> Printf.printf "Add\n" | <:expr< Calc_types.Sub($x$,$y$) >> -> Printf.printf "Sub\n" | <:expr< Calc_types.Mul($x$,$y$) >> -> Printf.printf "Mult\n" | <:expr< Calc_types.Div($x$,$y$) >> -> Printf.printf "Div\n" | <:expr< Calc_types.Pow($x$,$y$) >> -> Printf.printf "Pow\n" | <:expr< Calc_types.Int $x$ >> -> Printf.printf "Int\n" | _ -> Printf.printf "Undefined operation\n") | _ -> Printf.printf "Only expressions allowed\n" end module M = Camlp4.Register.Printer(Id)(Make) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It fails to compile with the message: ocamlfind ocamlc -package camlp4 -pp camlp4of camlp4lib.cma calc_types.cmo pr_calc_ast.ml -o pr_calc_ast File "pr_calc_ast.ml", line 17, characters 16-16: Unbound constructor Ast.StSem make: *** [all] Error 2 How can I fix the above code in order to create a valid pretty printer? --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.