Hi, I am writing a small parser in ocaml, using ocamlyacc. I need to define 2 start symbols in my file parser.mly, but I don't know how to use them. The name of the 2 start symbols are "main"and "main2". I know how to use one start symbol, as here(taken form "calc.ml"): let _ = try let in_channel = open_in "lines.txt" in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel in_channel in while true do let result = HorsParser.main HorsLexer.token lexbuf in Hors.print_pair_list result; done with HorsLexer.Eof -> exit 0 but I don't know how to call the function "HorsParser.main2". I want to parse a part of the file "lines.txt" using the rule "main", and then, the other part of the file using "main2". Is this possible? I tried to call "HorsParser.main2", but I got a "Parsing.parse_error". Thanks, Ligia