Hello, I have a small utility that downloads and parses the RSS feed from ocaml.org to include in the OCaml Weekly News, but a recent change to ocaml.org broke it: it seems to only be served through https. I tried to add a TLS provider, but it's still failing with a cryptic error message. Here is an extract of the code showing the problem: #+begin_src ocaml let () = Nettls_gnutls.init() let site = "https://ocaml.org" let feed_name = "/feed.xml" let planet = Nethttp_fs.http_fs site let feedic = planet # read [] feed_name let feed_string = Netchannels.string_of_in_obj_channel feedic let () = feedic # close_in() #+end_src I can compile it with ocamlfind ocamlc -o test -linkpkg -package netclient,nettls-gnutls test.ml but when I run it, I get this error Fatal error: exception Nettls_gnutls.TLS.Error(GNUTLS_E_PUSH_ERROR) I know nothing of TLS and searching for the error did not point me toward any solution. I'm using gnutls 3.6.9 and ocamlnet 4.1.6. How can I access the site using https? Thanks, Alan