Hello Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 05 to 12, 2019. Table of Contents ───────────────── Mirage 3.7.1 released Old CWN Mirage 3.7.1 released ═════════════════════ Archive: Hannes Mehnert announced ──────────────────────── MirageOS 3.7.1 is released to opam repository now. Breaking change: • The hooks previously defined in OS.Main.at_enter/at_enter_iter/at_exit/at_exit_iter are now part of Mirage_runtime (only used by mirage-entropy) Behaviour changes of MirageOS unikernels: • A unikernel now always calls the Mirage_runtime.at_exit registered hooks – once a unikernel succesfully executed its `start' in `Lwt_main.run', `exit 0' is called to ensure this behaviour • Top-level exceptions are no longer caught (there used to be in mirage-unix/mirage-xen/mirage-solo5 custom handlers). The OCaml runtime prints the exception and backtrace on stdout and calls exit 2 (from 4.10.0, abort() will be called). Deprecations (being removed from Mirage 4.0) • All Mirage_YYY_lwt are deprecated, Mirage_YYY interfaces are no longer astracted over 'a io and buffer. This reduces the amount of opam packages - mirage-yyy-lwt are no longer part of the release (each mirage-yyy package provides a Mirage_yyy_lwt module for backwards compatibility). Motivation was discussed in • mirage-types and mirage-types-lwt are deprecated, please use the Mirage_YYY signatures directly instead. Other observable changes • `mirage configure' now deletes all exising opam files Most reverse dependencies are already released to opam, have a look at for progress (and the temporary opam overlay). Old CWN ═══════ If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the archives]. If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe [online]. [Alan Schmitt] [send me a message] [the archive] [RSS feed of the archives] [online] [Alan Schmitt]