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From: Jan Kybic <>
Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Cache algorithms: implementation or library available?
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 16:11:11 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <> (Gerd Stolpmann's message of "Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:54:35 +0200")

> I would like to know if anyone has or knows of an Ocaml
> library or open-source code implementation of some cache
> algorithms (example: least recently used).

I have written something similar some time ago. I am attaching the
code, maybe you will find it useful but beware that I have written it
just for my own purposes, so the code might be hard to read, there are
very little comments, you will probably have to modify it, and I do
not have time to provide support.

The idea is that as long as there is enough memory, the function
values are cached (memoized). When the memory gets tight, the
"cheapest" entries are forgotten. For this purpose, the function
evaluations are timed.

Hope this helps,


Jan Kybic <>                       tel. +420 2 2435 5721 (updated!)           ICQ 200569450

(*pp camlp4o pa_macro.cmo *)
(** memoizing (caching) functions

   @author Jan Kybic, July 2004


(* $Id: 539 2005-03-23 09:47:32Z jkybic $ *)

(* define this macro if you do not want the computations to be performed, 
   just the timing to be measured. *)

module Utils=Utils.Utils
module IntIntFloatHashtbl=Ehashtbl.IntIntFloatHashtbl
module Ehashtbl=Ehashtbl.Ehashtbl

module type MemocacheSig =
  (** a functorized equivalent for [memo] *)
  module type MemoSig =
    type a 

    type b

    type k 

    (** [memo f] creates a memoized version of a single parameter
      function [f]. The key [k], possibly equal to [a] can be used if [a]
      itself does not have to be stored. The optional parameter name is used
      to identify the class of the memoized function in the weak cache
      formulation that optimizes block sizes for each class. Each class
      should return objects of the same size and take approximately the same
      size to compute.  *)
    val memo : ?name:string -> (a -> b) -> (a -> k -> b)


  module type MemoTypeSig = 
    type a

    type k
    type b      

    val equal : k -> k -> bool

    val hash : k -> int

  module type IntIntFloatMemoSig =

    val memo : ?name:string -> ('a -> 'b -> float) -> 
      ('a -> 'b -> int -> int -> float)


  module Memo ( H : MemoTypeSig ) : ( MemoSig with 
                                                type a=H.a and type b=H.b and type k=H.k)

  module IntIntFloatMemo  : IntIntFloatMemoSig

  (** [cacheSize] is the amount of MB that weak cache is supposed to occupy.
    It is computed from [Gc.stat.live_words] item *)
  val cacheSize : int ref 

  (** what is the target memory size, respective to cacheSize *)
  val targetRatio : float ref

  (** verifyies if the amount of memory used is below [cacheSize] and
    tries to delete something if not. It also reports statistics about
    cache usage. Normally this function is called automatically at every
    GC *)
  val verifyMem : unit -> unit 

  (** report statistics about cache usage *)
  val reportCacheStats : unit -> unit 


module Memocache : MemocacheSig =
  module type MemoSig =
    type a 

    type b
    type k 

    val memo : ?name:string -> (a -> b) -> (a -> k -> b)

  module type MemoTypeSig = 
    type a

    type k
    type b      

    val equal : k -> k -> bool

    val hash : k -> int

  module type IntIntFloatMemoSig = 

    val memo : ?name:string -> ('a -> 'b -> float) -> 
      ('a -> 'b -> int -> int -> float)


    (* cache retrieval time *)
    let totctime = ref 0.0               

  let guessCacheSize () =
      let fd = open_in "/proc/meminfo" in
      let s = Utils.streamFrom ( fun _ -> 
               Utils.split_on_wspace (Utils.input_nonempty_line fd) ) in
      let [_;ms;_] = ( 
        Utils.filter ( fun (n::_) -> (n = "MemTotal:") ) s ) in
      let mem = int_of_string ms in
      (* from the total memory in kB, take 100MB for other programs and 
         divide by 1.7 to account for 50% GC overhead and some extra *)
      let memmb= float mem  /. 1024.0 in
      let cSize = truncate ( (  memmb -. 100.0 ) /. 1.6 ) in
      Utils.message 5 
        "Setting cacheSize to %d MB from total of %d MB memory.\n" 
        cSize mem ; cSize
    with x -> 
      Utils.message 3 
      "We could not get the amount of free memory, using defaults. Exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string x) ; 
      300 (** how much (live) memory can we use, default in MB *)

  let cacheSize = ref ( guessCacheSize () )

  (** what is the target memory size, respective to cacheSize *)
  let targetRatio = ref 0.8  

  (** relative costs (in us/B) and result sizes of classes *)
  let classData= ( Hashtbl.create 11 : 
     (string,float * int ) Hashtbl.t )

  module WS=Weak.Make(struct (* weak set *)
                        type t= (int->int) * (unit->unit) * string 
                        let equal a b = ( a == b )
                        let hash a = Hashtbl.hash a
  (** a set of deletor functions for each memo instance, together with
    a class name. A deletor gets a number of items to delete and returns a
    number of items successfully deleted. *)
  let deletors= WS.create 11 

  let measuring = ref false (** are we measuring right now? *)

  (** Measure, how much time is needed to execute f *)
  let measureTime f =
    let measureNtimes n =
      let t0=Sys.time () in
      for i=1 to n do f () done ;
      let t=Sys.time () -. t0 in
      (* Utils.message 9 "measureTime: n=%d t=%g\n" n t ; *)
      t in
    let rec measure n =
      let t = measureNtimes n in
      if t>1.0 then t /. float n else measure (2*n) in
    measure 1

  let testMeasureTime _ = Utils.verbosity:=6 ;
    let q1=measureTime (fun _ -> sin 0.5) in
    let q2=measureTime (fun _ -> exp 0.5 +. cos 2.3 /. sqrt 13.9 +. 
                         exp 0.5 +. cos 2.3 /. sqrt 13.9 ) in
    Utils.message 3 "q1=%g q2=%g\n" q1 q2

  exception Measuring 

  (** Estimate or retrieve cost (in us/B) (in B) and block size for
    class [name] and function f.  The values are remembered in a hash
    table [classData]. Will fail if another measurement is in progress. *)
  let getClassInfo name f =
        Hashtbl.find classData name
    with Not_found -> 
      Utils.message 5 "getClassInfo: measuring class '%s'.\n" name  ;
      if !measuring then raise Measuring  ;
      measuring:=true ;
      let (s,t) = 
          ( Size.size_b (f ()) , measureTime f ) END in
      measuring:=false ;
      let cost = t *. 1e6 /. float s in
      Utils.message 4  
"getClassInfo: class '%s', time %g us, result of %d B, cost %g us/B.\n" 
                           name (t *. 1e6) s cost  ;
      let r = (cost,s) in
      Hashtbl.add classData name r ; r

  (** [deleteCheapests] will call the deletors corresponding to 
      the cheapest classes to remove [m : float] MB of memory. *)
  let deleteCheapests m =
    let module S = Set.Make(struct
                              type t = float * int * ( int -> int ) 
                              let compare (c0,_,_) (c1,_,_) = compare c0 c1
                            end) in
    let f (df,_,name) a =
      let (cost,size)= 
          Hashtbl.find classData name 
        with Not_found ->
          Utils.message 4 "deleteCheapest: no entry for class '%s' in classData, using defaults.\n" name   ;
          (1e10,8) in
    S.add (cost,size,df) a in
    (* make a set of deletors sorted according to cost *)
    let s = WS.fold f deletors S.empty in
    let rec doDelete s mb = (* [mb] is now in bytes *)
      Utils.message 5 "deleteCheapest: doDelete: %d bytes to be freed, %d deletors.\n"  mb (S.cardinal s) ;
      if mb>0 then (* we still need to delete something *)
          let (cost,size,df) as c=S.min_elt s in (* cheapest element *)
          let s'=S.remove c s in  (* remove it from the set *)
          let n= succ ( mb / size ) in (* how many to delete, conservatively *)
          let m'= mb - ( df n * size  ) in
          doDelete s' m'
        with Not_found ->
          Utils.message 4 ("deleteCheapest: no deletor available.\n") in
    doDelete s ( truncate ( m *. 1048576.0 ) )

  let reportCacheStats _ =
      IFDEF MONLY THEN totctime := 0.0 ELSE () END ;
      WS.iter ( fun (_,reporter,_) -> reporter () ) deletors ;
        Utils.message 3 "Total estimated cache time %g.\n" !totctime 
      ELSE () END 
  (** [verifyMem] will check if the memory consumption is all right
    and call [deleteCheapest] if not *)
  let verifyMem _ =
    let mem = (** used memory in MB *) 
        float (Gc.stat ()).Gc.live_words *. 
          float (Sys.word_size / 8 ) /. 1048576.0 in
    if  truncate mem > !cacheSize then (
      Utils.message 4 
              "verifyMem: Using %g MB of memory, removing.\n" mem  ;
      deleteCheapests ( mem -. float !cacheSize *. !targetRatio) )
    else (
      Utils.message 7 "verifyMem: using %g MB of memory, OK.\n" mem ;
      (* show statistics of all registered memo instances *)
      if !Utils.verbosity >  7 then  reportCacheStats ()

  (* arrange for [verifyMem] to be called at major GC cycle *)
  let verifyAlarm = Gc.create_alarm verifyMem 

  (* arange for a major collection to be performed at program exit, so that 
     cache statistics are properly reported *)
  let _ = at_exit Gc.major

  (* [StrongMemo] is a non-forgetting cache *)
  module StrongMemo ( H : MemoTypeSig ) : MemoSig 
  with type a=H.a and type b=H.b and type k=H.k  =
      type a=H.a
      type b=H.b
      type k=H.k

      module T=Hashtbl.Make(struct 
                              type t=k
                              let equal = H.equal
                              let hash = H.hash
      let memo ?name f = 
        let h = T.create 11 in
        fun x k -> 
            T.find h k 
        with Not_found -> 
          let r = f x in ( T.add h k r; r )

  module WeakMemo ( H : MemoTypeSig ) : MemoSig 
  with type a=H.a and type b=H.b and type k=H.k =
      type a=H.a
      type b=H.b
      type k=H.k

      module T=Ehashtbl(struct 
                              type t=k
                              let equal = H.equal
                              let hash = H.hash

      let memo ?(name="unknown") f = 
        let h = T.create 11 in
        let registered = ref false in 
        let known = ref false in (* is the class cost known? *)
        let memoHits = ref 0 in
        let memoMisses = ref 0 in
        let exval = IFDEF MONLY THEN ref None ELSE () END in 
        (* the following is there so that the reporter can work even
           after some items were garbage collected *)
        let hm=(memoHits,memoMisses,name,h) in
        let reporter' hm = 
          let (memoHits,memoMisses,name,h) = hm in
          (* Utils.message 0 "about to report\n" ; *)
          if (T.size h) = 0 then () else (
            let (cost,size)= 
                Hashtbl.find classData name 
              with Not_found -> Utils.message 4 
                "reporter: no entry for class '%s' in classData, using defaults.\n"
                name   ; (1e10,8) in
            IFDEF MONLY THEN
            let t = (float !memoMisses) *. 1e-6 *. cost in
            totctime := !totctime +. t ;
            Utils.message 0 
              "memo: class=%s  hits=%d misses=%d ratio=%g e. time=%g\n" 
              name !memoHits !memoMisses ((float !memoHits) 
                                          /. (float !memoMisses))  t 
              Utils.message 0 
              "memo: class=%s  n=%d uses=%gMB hits=%d misses=%d\n    ratio=%g spenttime=%g savedtime=%g\n" 
              name (T.size h) (float (T.size h * size) /. 1048576.0 ) !memoHits
              !memoMisses ((float !memoHits) /. (float !memoMisses))  
              ((float !memoMisses) *. 1e-6 *. cost *. (float size))
              ((float !memoHits) *. 1e-6 *. cost *. (float size))
              END ) in
        let reporter () = (* report the cache stats *)
          reporter' hm in
        (* report when we are deleted *)
        if !Utils.verbosity >  6 then Gc.finalise reporter' hm ;
        let deletor m = (* we are asked to delete [m] items *)
            let n=T.size h in
            Utils.message 4 "deletor: %s n=%d m=%d.\n" name n m ;
            if m=0 then 0 else (
              if (m >= n) then ( T.clear h ; n ) 
              else ( T.forget h m ; n - (T.size h) ) 
            ) in
        let dname = (deletor,reporter,name) in
        Utils.message 6 "memo: class %s instantiated.\n" name ;
        fun x k -> 
            let y = T.find h k in
          incr memoHits ; y
        with Not_found -> 
          incr memoMisses ; 
          if not !registered then 
            ( WS.add deletors dname ; registered:=true ;
              Utils.message 6  
                 "memo: class %s deletor registered.\n" name)  ;
          let r = 
            IFDEF MONLY THEN
              match !exval with
                  Some r -> r 
                | None -> let r= f x in exval:=Some r ; r
            ELSE f x END in 
          if not (!known or !measuring) then ( 
              let (_,s) =getClassInfo name (fun _ -> f x) in
              known := true ; 
              Utils.message 7  "memo: %s classInfo known.\n" name
                Measuring -> 
                Utils.message 4 "memo: %s measurement in progress.\n" name ;
            ) ;
          T.add h k r ; r (* the result *)

  module Memo ( H : MemoTypeSig ) = ( 
    (* StrongMemo *)   WeakMemo   ( H )
    : MemoSig with type a=H.a and type b=H.b and type k=H.k )

  module IntIntFloatMemo : IntIntFloatMemoSig  =

      module T=IntIntFloatHashtbl

      let memo ?(name="unknown") f = 
        let h = T.create 11 in
        let known = ref false in (* is the class cost known? *)
        let registered = ref false in 
        let memoHits = ref 0 in
        let memoMisses = ref 0 in
        let reporter _ = (* report the cache stats *)
          if (T.size h) = 0 then () else (
          let (cost,size)= 
              Hashtbl.find classData name 
            with Not_found -> Utils.message 4 
           "reporter: no entry for class '%s' in classData, using defaults.\n"
              name   ; (1e10,8) in
          Utils.message 0 
   "memo: class=%s  n=%d uses=%gMB hits=%d misses=%d\n     ratio=%g spenttime=%g savedtime=%g\n" 
                name (T.size h) 
            (float (T.size h * size) /. 1048576.0 ) !memoHits
            !memoMisses ((float !memoHits) /. (float !memoMisses))  
            ((float !memoMisses) *. 1e-6 *. cost *. float size)
            ((float !memoHits) *. 1e-6 *. cost *. float size)
        let hm=(memoHits,memoMisses) in
        let maybeReport _ = (* report when we are deleted *)
          if !Utils.verbosity >  4 then  reporter () in
        Gc.finalise maybeReport hm ;
        let deletor m = (* we are asked to delete [m] items *)
          let n=T.size h in
          Utils.message 4 
            "deletor: IntIntFloatMemo %s n=%d m=%d, will not delete.\n"
            name n m ; 
          if m=0 then 0 else ( 
            if (m >= n) then ( T.clear h ; n ) 
            else ( T.forget h m ; n - (T.size h) ) 
          ) in
        let dname = (deletor,reporter,name) in
        Utils.message 6 "memo: IntIntFloatMemo, class %s instantiated.\n" 
          name ;
        fun x y xi yi -> try 
          let y = T.find h xi yi in
          incr memoHits ; y
        with Not_found -> 
          incr memoMisses ; 
          if not !registered then 
            ( WS.add deletors dname ; registered:=true ;
              Utils.message 6 
                "memo: IntIntFloatMemo, class %s deletor registered.\n" name ) ;
          let r = f x y in 
          if not (!known or !measuring) then ( 
              let (_,s) =getClassInfo name (fun _ -> f x y) in
              known := true ; 
              Utils.message 7  "memo: %s classInfo known.\n" name
                Measuring -> 
                  Utils.message 4 "memo: %s measurement in progress.\n" name ;
          ) ;   
          T.add h xi yi r ; r (* the result *)



(* end of *)

(** Extension of hashtables from Ocaml standard that can be
  made to efficiently forget a given number of elements and to be
  queried about its size
  Jan Kybic, July 2004

(* $Id: 520 2004-09-16 15:33:20Z jkybic $ *)

module type EhashtblSig =
  (* the following is a copy of Hashtbl.S, except that the type is abstract *)

    type key
    type 'a t
    val create : int -> 'a t
    val clear : 'a t -> unit
    val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
    val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
    val remove : 'a t -> key -> unit
    val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
    val find_all : 'a t -> key -> 'a list
    val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
    val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
    val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
    val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b

  (** [forget tbl n] will erase at least [n] elements from the
     hashtable [tbl].  If the hashtable contains less elements, it will
     leave it empty.  The current implementation just clears all buckets
     from the beginning until the desired count is reached.  *)
  val forget : 'a t -> int -> unit

  (** [size tbl] returns the number of elements stored in the hashtable [tbl] *)
  val size : 'a t -> int

module Ehashtbl ( H : Hashtbl.HashedType ) : 
  EhashtblSig with type key = H.t  =
   type key = H.t
   type ('a, 'b) ht =
  { mutable size: int;                        (* number of elements *)
    mutable data: ('a, 'b) bucketlist array } (* the buckets *)

   and ('a, 'b) bucketlist =
     | Cons of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) bucketlist

    type 'a hashtbl = (key, 'a) ht
    type 'a t = 'a hashtbl

    let create initial_size =
      let s = min (max 1 initial_size) Sys.max_array_length in
      { size = 0; data = Array.make s Empty }

    let clear h =
      for i = 0 to Array.length - 1 do <- Empty
      h.size <- 0

    let copy h =
      { size = h.size;
        data = Array.copy }

    let size h = h.size

    let safehash key = (H.hash key) land max_int

    let resize hashfun tbl =
      let odata = in
      let osize = Array.length odata in
      let nsize = min (2 * osize + 1) Sys.max_array_length in
      if nsize <> osize then begin
        let ndata = Array.create nsize Empty in
        let rec insert_bucket = function
            Empty -> ()
          | Cons(key, data, rest) ->
              insert_bucket rest; (* preserve original order of elements *)
              let nidx = (hashfun key) mod nsize in
              ndata.(nidx) <- Cons(key, data, ndata.(nidx)) in
        for i = 0 to osize - 1 do
          insert_bucket odata.(i)
        done; <- ndata;

    let add h key info =
      let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length in
      let bucket = Cons(key, info, in <- bucket;
      h.size <- succ h.size;
      if h.size > Array.length lsl 1 then resize safehash h

    let remove h key =
      let rec remove_bucket = function
          Empty ->
        | Cons(k, i, next) ->
            if H.equal k key
            then begin h.size <- pred h.size; next end
            else Cons(k, i, remove_bucket next) in
      let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length in <- remove_bucket

    let rec find_rec key = function
        Empty ->
          raise Not_found
      | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
          if H.equal key k then d else find_rec key rest

    let find h key =
      match key) mod (Array.length with
        Empty -> raise Not_found
      | Cons(k1, d1, rest1) ->
          if H.equal key k1 then d1 else
          match rest1 with
            Empty -> raise Not_found
          | Cons(k2, d2, rest2) ->
              if H.equal key k2 then d2 else
              match rest2 with
                Empty -> raise Not_found
              | Cons(k3, d3, rest3) ->
                  if H.equal key k3 then d3 else find_rec key rest3

    let find_all h key =
      let rec find_in_bucket = function
        Empty ->
      | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
          if H.equal k key
          then d :: find_in_bucket rest
          else find_in_bucket rest in
      find_in_bucket key) mod (Array.length

    let replace h key info =
      let rec replace_bucket = function
          Empty ->
            raise Not_found
        | Cons(k, i, next) ->
            if H.equal k key
            then Cons(k, info, next)
            else Cons(k, i, replace_bucket next) in
      let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length in
      let l = in
      try <- replace_bucket l
      with Not_found -> <- Cons(key, info, l);
        h.size <- succ h.size;
        if h.size > Array.length lsl 1 then resize safehash h

    let mem h key =
      let rec mem_in_bucket = function
      | Empty ->
      | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
          H.equal k key || mem_in_bucket rest in
      mem_in_bucket key) mod (Array.length

    let iter f h =
      let rec do_bucket = function
          Empty ->
        | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
            f k d; do_bucket rest in
      let d = in
      for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do
        do_bucket d.(i)

    let fold f h init =
      let rec do_bucket b accu =
        match b with
            Empty ->
          | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
              do_bucket rest (f k d accu) in
      let d = in
      let accu = ref init in
      for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do
        accu := do_bucket d.(i) !accu

    let forget h number =
      let bucket_count b = 
        let rec bucket_count' b a =
          match b with
            Empty -> a
          | Cons (_,_,next) -> bucket_count' next (succ a) in
        bucket_count' b 0 in
      let d = in
      let lim = Array.length d in
      let target = max ( h.size - number ) 0 in
      let rec forget' i =
        if h.size <= target || i>=lim then () 
        else (
          let n'=bucket_count d.(i) in
          if n'>0 then ( d.(i) <- Empty ;
                         h.size <- h.size - n' )
          else () ;
          forget' (succ i) 
        ) in
      forget' 0 


(* the following prime list is taken from

let primes = [| 53 ; 97 ; 193 ; 389 ; 769 ; 1543 ; 3079 ; 6151 ; 
 	12289 ; 24593 ; 49157 ; 98317 ; 196613 ; 393241 ; 786433 ; 
      1572869 ; 3145739 ; 6291469 ; 12582917 ; 25165843 ; 50331653 ; 
      100663319 ; 201326611 ; 402653189 ; 805306457 |] 

(** A signature of a specialized (int*int)->float hashtable. *)
module type IntIntFloatHashtblSig=
  type t
  val create : int -> t
  val add : t -> int -> int -> float -> unit
  val find : t -> int -> int -> float
  val size : t -> int
  val clear : ?factor:int -> t -> unit
  val forget : t -> int -> unit

(** Implementation of the (int*int->float) hashtable. It uses double
  hashing and assumes the int parameters can be used directly as keys
  and that they are non-negative. It uses Bigarrays so that very large
  hashtables are possible.  *)
module IntIntFloatHashtbl : IntIntFloatHashtblSig =
  open Bigarray                      

  type vb = (float,float64_elt, c_layout) Array1.t

  type kb = (int, int_elt, c_layout) Array1.t

  type t = { mutable size : int ;  (* number of elements currently in cache *)
             mutable n : int ;     (* current size of the table *)
             mutable nmn : int ;   (* max_int mod n *)
             mutable i : int ;     (* reference to the [primes] table *)
             mutable vals : vb ;     (* values *)
             mutable keys : kb }     (* keys *)

  let hash1 h x y = 
    let n = h.n in ( ( ( x mod n ) * h.nmn + y ) land max_int ) mod n

  let hash2 x y = succ ( ( x + y ) land 15 )

  let createVals n = Array1.create float64 c_layout n 

  let createKeys n = Array1.create int c_layout (2*n) 

    (* find an index to the primes table with value at least [n] *)
  let find_i n = 
    let l = Array.length primes in
    let rec f i =
      assert ( i < l ) ;
      if primes.(i) >= n then i else f (succ i) in
    f 0

  let clearKeys h = 
    let kb = h.keys in
    for j = 0 to (pred h.n) do kb.{2*j} <- (-1) done

  let create n =
    let i = find_i n in
    let n = primes.(i) in
    let h = { size = 0 ; n = n ; i = i ;
              vals = createVals n ; keys =  createKeys n ;
              nmn = max_int mod n } in
    clearKeys h ; h

  let setFrom h h1 =
    h.i <- h1.i ; h.n <- h1.n ; h.size <- h1.size ; 
    h.vals <- h1.vals ; h.keys <- h1.keys ;
    h.nmn <- h1.nmn

  (* empty the hashtable and make it smaller by [factor] *)
  let clear ?(factor=3) h =
    let h1 = create (h.n / factor ) in
    setFrom h h1

  let iter f h =
    let vb = h.vals in
    let kb = h.keys in
    for j = 0 to pred h.n do 
      let j2 = 2*j in
      let x = kb.{j2} in
      if not ( x = (-1) ) then f x kb.{succ j2} vb.{j}
  let rec add h x y v =
    let i = hash1 h x y in
    let j = hash2 x y in
    let kb = h.keys in
    let n = h.n in
    let rec f i =
      let i2 = i * 2 in
      if kb.{i2} = ~-1 then (
        kb.{i2} <- x ; kb.{succ i2} <- y ; h.vals.{i} <- v ; 
        h.size <- succ h.size )
      else f ((i+j) mod n) in
    f i ;
    if h.size > truncate ( 0.66 *. float n ) then grow h

    (* Create a bigger hash table and rehash all current entries into it *)
  and grow h =
    let i1= succ h.i in
    assert (i1 < Array.length primes ) ;
    let n = primes.(i1) in
    let h1 = { i = i1 ; n=n  ; size=0 ; nmn = max_int mod n ;
               vals = createVals n ; keys = createKeys n } in
    clearKeys h1 ;
    iter ( fun x y v -> add h1 x y v ) h ;
    setFrom h h1 

  exception Interrupt 

  let forget h n =
    let h1 = create ( 2 * (h.size - n) )  in (* target table size *)
    let count = ref (h.size - n)  in         (* copy this many elements *)
    iter ( fun x y v -> 
             if !count >= 0 then ( add h1 x y v ; decr count )
           else raise Interrupt ) h ;
    setFrom h h1 

  let find h x y = 
    let i = hash1 h x y in
    let j = hash2 x y in
    let kb = h.keys in
    let n = h.n in
    let rec find' i =
      let i2 = i * 2 in
      let x' = kb.{i2} in
      if x' = ~-1 then raise Not_found ;
      if x' = x && kb.{succ i2} = y then h.vals.{i} else
        find' ((i+j) mod n) in
    find' i 

  let size h = h.size


(** A signature of a specialized (int*int)->int hashtable. *)
module type IntIntIntHashtblSig=
  type t
  val create : int -> t
  val add : t -> int -> int -> int -> unit
  val find : t -> int -> int -> int
  val size : t -> int

(** Implementation of the (int*int->int) hashtable. It uses double
  hashing and assumes the int parameters can be used directly as keys
  and that they are non-negative. It uses Bigarrays so that very large
  hashtables are possible.  *)
module IntIntIntHashtbl : IntIntIntHashtblSig =
  open Bigarray                      

  type vb = (int, int_elt, c_layout) Array1.t

  type kb = (int, int_elt, c_layout) Array1.t

  type t = { mutable size : int ;  (* number of elements currently in cache *)
             mutable n : int ;     (* current size of the table *)
             mutable nmn : int ;   (* max_int mod n *)
             mutable i : int ;     (* reference to the [primes] table *)
             mutable vals : vb ;     (* values *)
             mutable keys : kb }     (* keys *)

  let hash1 h x y = 
    let n = h.n in ( ( ( x mod n ) * h.nmn + y ) land max_int ) mod n

  let hash2 x y = succ ( ( x + y ) land 15 )

  let createVals n = Array1.create int c_layout n 

  let createKeys n = Array1.create int c_layout (2*n) 

    (* find an index to the primes table with value at least [n] *)
  let find_i n = 
    let l = Array.length primes in
    let rec f i =
      assert ( i < l ) ;
      if primes.(i) >= n then i else f (succ i) in
    f 0

  let clearKeys h = 
    let kb = h.keys in
    for j = 0 to (pred h.n) do kb.{2*j} <- (-1) done

  let create n =
    let i = find_i n in
    let n = primes.(i) in
    let h = { size = 0 ; n = n ; i = i ;
              vals = createVals n ; keys =  createKeys n ;
              nmn = max_int mod n } in
    clearKeys h ; h

  let setFrom h h1 =
    h.i <- h1.i ; h.n <- h1.n ; h.size <- h1.size ; 
    h.vals <- h1.vals ; h.keys <- h1.keys ;
    h.nmn <- h1.nmn

  let iter f h =
    let vb = h.vals in
    let kb = h.keys in
    for j = 0 to pred h.n do 
      let j2 = 2*j in
      let x = kb.{j2} in
      if not ( x = (-1) ) then f x kb.{succ j2} vb.{j}
  let rec add h x y v =
    let i = hash1 h x y in
    let j = hash2 x y in
    let kb = h.keys in
    let n = h.n in
    let rec f i =
      let i2 = i * 2 in
      if kb.{i2} = ~-1 then (
        kb.{i2} <- x ; kb.{succ i2} <- y ; h.vals.{i} <- v ; 
        h.size <- succ h.size )
      else f ((i+j) mod n) in
    f i ;
    if h.size > truncate ( 0.66 *. float n ) then grow h

    (* Create a bigger hash table and rehash all current entries into it *)
  and grow h =
    let i1= succ h.i in
    assert (i1 < Array.length primes ) ;
    let n = primes.(i1) in
    let h1 = { i = i1 ; n=n  ; size=0 ; nmn = max_int mod n ;
               vals = createVals n ; keys = createKeys n } in
    clearKeys h1 ;
    iter ( fun x y v -> add h1 x y v ) h ;
    setFrom h h1 

  let find h x y = 
    let i = hash1 h x y in
    let j = hash2 x y in
    let kb = h.keys in
    let n = h.n in
    let rec find' i =
      let i2 = i * 2 in
      let x' = kb.{i2} in
      if x' = ~-1 then raise Not_found ;
      if x' = x && kb.{succ i2} = y then h.vals.{i} else
        find' ((i+j) mod n) in
    find' i 

  let size h = h.size


(* let _ =
   let module M = Ehashtbl(struct
   type t = int
   let equal x y = (x = y)
   let hash x = Hashtbl.hash x
   end) in
   let h= M.create 10 in
   M.add h 1 1  ;
   M.add h 2 2 ;
   M.add h 3 (-3) ;
   M.iter (fun x y -> Printf.printf "%d %d\n" x y) h ;
   M.forget h 1 ;
   M.iter (fun x y -> Printf.printf "*%d %d\n" x y) h 

  reply	other threads:[~2009-09-23 14:11 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2009-09-22 10:29 Hugo Ferreira
2009-09-22 11:26 ` [Caml-list] " Martin Jambon
2009-09-23  7:54   ` Hugo Ferreira
2009-09-23  7:58     ` Hugo Ferreira
2009-09-23 15:09     ` Damien Doligez
2009-09-23 15:19       ` David McClain
2009-09-23 16:26         ` Mattias Engdegård
2009-09-24 13:14           ` Hugo Ferreira
2009-09-23 12:54 ` Gerd Stolpmann
2009-09-23 14:11   ` Jan Kybic [this message]
2009-09-23 15:02 ` Dario Teixeira

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