On 8/8/05, Nicolas Cannasse <warplayer@free.fr> wrote:

That's bad news that nobody answered to this interesting topic within one
As for buying a report, it might be nice to freely provide some results and
trends and then sell the "full report" if it's what you want to do.

I'm not sure it's such bad news.  The company I work is making pretty succesful use of OCaml at the moment, and there are a few others out there doing the same.  I just didn't see much interest in the kind of document Jon described.  We're already past the part where we had to convince people to take a gamble on developing in OCaml.  So far, it's gone pretty well...


My company is using OCaml is a lot of our projects, mainly for development
tools (compilers, level generators, resources builders... ). It's perfectly
suitable in the case where you need to manipulate a lot of data structures
and apply algorithms to them.