On 6/1/07, Alain Frisch <Alain.Frisch@inria.fr> wrote:
 MLton's strength is that
you don't have to pay the price for abstraction, i.e. cleaning up your
program (by factorizing it or making it more modular) does not degrade
performance. I have no experience with MLton, but I don't believe that
performances are much more difficult to predict than with OCaml (Stephen?).

I could not agree with this sentiment more.  Stephen actually now works at Jane Street, and since his arrival he's taught us a  number of techniques for using modules and functors to organize and factor code more effectively.  Some of these techniques were obviously born in the context of Mlton, where they have no performance penalty.  It's downright annoying to have to avoid these techniques in performance-sensitive code in OCaml.  In other words, factoring out with functors and modules is good style, but OCaml penalizes you for it.
