A couple of questions:

It's very encouraging to see the community doing so much work in this area.  The new JoCaml looks quite interesting.


On 6/4/07, Luc Maranget <luc.maranget@inria.fr> wrote:

We are happy to annouce the release of JoCaml.

  JoCaml is an extension of Objective Caml for concurrent
  and distributed programming based upon the join calculus.
  More details (including a tutorial) are available on
  the jocaml web site:

  The new JoCaml (born again jocaml) is a total re-implementation of
  the new defunct JoCaml by F. Le Fessant. With respect to this previous
  version, changes are important.

    * New syntax. Believe it or not, the new syntax is better.

    * More convenient command set (bytecode compiler jocamlc,
      toplevel jocaml, native code compiler jocamlopt).

    * Disparition of mobility features. More reasearch is needed
      for those, besides they break OCaml compatibility.

    * Full compatibility with OCaml. For that reason, we adopt
      OCaml releasing scheme: initial version of JoCaml is 3.10.0.

Louis Mandel & Luc Maranget (jocaml-devel@inria.fr).

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