There's a simple trick that Steven Weeks introduced to us and that we now use at Jane Street for this kind of thing.

You write down a signature:

module type Abs_int : sig
type t
val to_int : t -> int
val of_int : int <- t

And then you write concrete module Int that implements this signature.  You can then write:

module Row : Abs_int = Int
module Col : Abs_int = Int

You can now use Row.t and Col.t as abstract types.  The boilerplate is written once, but can be used over and over.  I've personally seen more use-cases for this with strings than with ints (to separate out different kinds of identifiers)


On Nov 13, 2007 6:41 PM, Edgar Friendly <> wrote:
When one writes

type row = int
type col = int

This allows one to use the type names "row" and "col" as synonyms of
int.  But it doesn't prevent one from using a value of type row in the
place of a value of type col.  OCaml allows us to enforce row as
distinct from int two ways:

1) Variants:
type row = Row of int
type col = Col of int

Downside: unnecessary boxing and tagging
conversion from row -> int: (fun r -> match r with Row i -> i)
conversion from int -> row: (fun i -> Row i)

2)  Functors:
module type RowCol =
 type row
 val int_of_row : row -> int
 val row_of_int : int -> row
 type col
 val int_of_col : col -> int
 val col_of_int : int -> col

module Main = functor (RC: RowCol) -> struct

Any code using rows and cols could be written to take a module as a
parameter, and because of the abstraction granted when doing so, type
safety is ensured.

Downside: functor overhead, misuse of functors, need to write
boilerplate conversion functions
conversion from row -> int, int -> row: provided by RowCol boilerplate

Modify the type system such that one can declare

type row = new int
type col = new int

Row and col would thus become distinct from int, and require explicit
casting/coercion (2 :> row).  There would be no runtime overhead for use
of these types, only bookkeeping overhead at compilation.

Downside: compiler changes (hopefully not too extensive)
conversion from row -> int: (fun r -> (r :> int)) (* might need (r : row
:> int) if it's not already inferred *)
conversion from int -> row: (fun i -> (i :> row))

Thoughts?  Do any of you use Variants or Functors to do this now?  Do
you find this style of typing useful?


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