On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 4:07 AM, Berke Durak <berke.durak@gmail.com> wrote:
That's wonderful!  An impressive extended core library.  Thanks a lot for
releasing that.  It's like receiving a new toy.

Now a few quick comments:

- Bigstring: I guess those are more for I/O.  The 16MB limit is not a problem on 64-bit arhictectures.

I/O, memory mapping, a few other things. 
- POLL and NODELAY in Linux_ext: that's very welcome.

- I guess JS isn't using Unicode.  After all, EBCDIC should be good enough for stock tickers.  A Unicode library would have been nice - otherwise we should complete the one in ExtLib.
It's true, we don't really use Unicode at all for the stuff we do.
- In tuple.ml, I find this worrying comment:

  The raison d'être for Space_safe_tuple<N> is that OCaml doesn't properly
  free variables matched in tuple patterns.

I didn't expect that, and that's quite annoying!  Shouldn't that be fixed in the
Ocaml compiler?

We would prefer that too, but we haven't been able to convince anyone that it's worth doing.  There are apparently some reasons that it's painful to fix in the bytecode compiler, and there's some reluctance to make the GC behavior be significantly different between native and bytecodes. 
- piecewise_linear.ml: I wonder what these are for.  Maybe for video games?

A very nice contribution to a "batteries included" standard library, indeed. 
Berke Durak