On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Jim Miller <gordon.j.miller@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/3/13 Yaron Minsky <yminsky@gmail.com>:
> For those who are interested, I just posted a video of a talk I gave at CMU
> several weeks ago about Jane Street's use of OCaml.  This is an updated
> version of the talk I gave at POPL last year.  Various people have expressed
> an interest in showing the talk to their undergraduate classes, so I thought
> it worth mentioning on the list.
> Here's the link:
>   http://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/61
> I can also provide the original quicktime file from which this is based on
> request.

Thoroughly enjoyed the talk.  You did an excellent job of describing
the environment and business case for the language.  Your discussion
of the reasons why you use OCaml, its benefits, and its drawbacks was
very balanced and makes it more credible.  Well done and thanks for
