And you can compete to come up with the most innocuous code that comes up with the longest type.  Here's my current favorite:

# open Option.Monad_infix;;
# Map.find m 3 >>| fun x -> x + 1;;
- : int Core.Std.Option.Monad_infix.monad = Some 4

Which of course could be rendered as:

# open Option.Monad_infix;;
# Map.find m 3 >>| fun x -> x + 1;;
- : int option = Some 4


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Yaron Minsky <> wrote:
Anyone who plays around with the Core library that Jane Street just released can see showcased a rather ugly detail of how Core's design interacts with how OCaml displays types.  Witness:

# Int.of_string;;
- : string -> Core.Std.Int.stringable = <fun>
# Float.of_string;;
- : string -> Core_extended.Std.Float.stringable = <fun>

I'd be much happier if this was rendered in the following equally correct and more readable form:

# Int.of_string;;
- : string -> Int.t = <fun>
# Float.of_string;;
- : string -> Float.t = <fun>

Or even:

# Int.of_string;;
- : string -> int = <fun>
# Float.of_string;;
- : string -> float = <fun>

And this isn't just an issue in the top-level. The compiler also displays types in the same difficult to read form.  I'm wondering if anyone has some thoughts as to what we can do to make the compiler make better choices here.  There are two issues to overcome:
Anyway, we'd be happy with any suggestions on how to improve matters.
