Call for organizers:
The Advanced Functional Programming School, 2010.

We solicit plans for organizing the next Advanced Functional Programming School. Since 1995 there have been six Schools on Advanced Functional Programming:

The goals of this series of schools are

The approach we take to achieve these goals in the schools is

By functional programming we mean programming in a style that emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of commands.

The lecture notes of the Advanced Functional Programming schools are published after the school. The organizers are responsible for publishing the lecture notes.

Please submit a proposal for organizing the next advanced functional programming school.

Your proposal should include

The programme, dates, location and budget don't have to be completely fixed when you submit your proposal, but there should be sufficient information to review your proposal. Your proposal will be reviewed by the steering committee of the Advanced Functional Programming Schools, consisting of

·         Peter Achten (AFP6)

Submit your proposal to before December 15, 2009.
Notification January 9, 2010.