On Wed, Feb 6, 2008 at 9:12 PM, Xavier Leroy wrote: [...] > Actually, I would be happy with a Win32 implementation of Unix.select > that works over any combination of sockets and file descriptors. > Unfortunately, it looks like we'd need a gross hack involving threads, > WaitForMultipleObjects() and select(), but if someone comes up with an > implementation that isn't too gross, I'll be interested. OK, I have found some spare time and finally done that. Both select() and ocamldebug now work on Win32. Console, pipes, disk files, sockets can now be tested for reading; write and exceptional condition lists are not supported yet (write probably cannot be implemented, at least Cygwin and GDB don't care, but exceptional conditions probably can if someone explains me an expected semantics). The patch is attached. Please let me know what do you think of it. - Dmitry Bely