From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: by, Wed, 17 Mar 93 19:06:06 +0100 Received: from by, Wed, 17 Mar 93 18:13:05 +0100 To: caml-list@margaux Subject: Re: Stream patterne matching In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 17 Mar 93 14:47:49 +0100. <> Return-Receipt-To: murthy@margaux Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 18:13:03 N Message-Id: <> From: murthy@margaux Sender: weis@margaux CR==Christophe MM==Michel Mauny CR> Y a-t'il des exemples plus complexes ? MM> On doit tomber sur de ve'ritables casse-te^tes lorsqu'il MM> s'agit de traduire une grammaire BNF existante (Yacc ou MM> whatever) en analyseurs de Caml-Light, mais je n'ai MM> personnellement que peu d'expe'rience en la matie`re. J'ai fait pas mal des parsers pour l'analyse syntaxique, au niveau de lexing et aussi ua niveau de parsing. C'est un peu dificil, mais pas vraiement. Il s'agit simplemet d'ecrire un "analyseur", comme Michel disait, et pas un "grammaire". C'est-a-dire, dites a l'ordinateur exactement ce que tu veux qu'elle fasse. C'est tout. C'est vrai que la factorisation serait utile. Mais, comme Michel disait, seulement en certains cas. Ces cas-la, sont les cas quand on veut utiliser cette systeme des "analyseurs", etc, comme un systeme des "grammaires". Boeuf. En Anglais. Having factorization done automatically is only useful when you are using parsers/printers as a grammar facility. It is NOT such a facility. In lots of other cases, having factorization around could be a very bad thing. Because it would change the behaviour of your program. An analogy which is quite familiar could be an ML compiler which used beta-reduction for code inlining, rather than beta-value reduction. If you aren't careful, you can end up "improving" programs which do not terminate, into programs which _do_ terminate. Its easy to do. And this is bad because when I start debugging a non-terminating program, I cut out pieces of the code, and start running them in a context which is different from that of the original program. So if the compiler all of a sudden can do new optimizations, say, because I feed in more specific arguments to a function, and this causes the compiler to "make the function terminate", then I can't even do debugging. The same thing is going on here. Factorization could make buggy parsers become un-buggy, when I replace an abstract parser by something more concrete. And this would make debugging of analyzers impossible. Completely impossible. And frankly, if that happened, I'd stop using them. Besides, if you want a "grammar" facility, then just write one. It isn't that hard. --chet--