From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: by; Wed, 16 Mar 94 12:08:57 +0100 Received: by; Wed, 16 Mar 94 12:08:13 +0100 From: Pierre Weis Message-Id: <> Subject: Bigloo compilation To: Date: Wed, 16 Mar 1994 12:08:13 +0100 (MET) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21] Content-Type: text/plain Sender: Although Bigloo is very easy to use, it is not so evident to switch from regular camlc compilation to Bigloo compilation: you have to adapt the make files. This message is intended to help you in this process: it gives you a very simple way to build a new make file, adapted to the compilation using Bigloo. Makefile template: ------------------ We give here a makefile template to build applications using the Bigloo compiler. It uses a perl script, camloodep, to automatically find out the depencies between modules. Thus, to build your application, you have to complete the template by filling the make variables OBJS and DEST: OBJS is the exhaustive list of object files used in the application (remember that this are .o files in bigloo, instead of .zo files when compiling with camlc). DEST is the name you want to give to your application. Then you have to type in the two following shell commands: 1) First make depend that completes the makefile (which is supposed to be named Makefile, and should be writable), with all the dependencies found in the Caml source files. 2) Second make that compiles all your source files and build the target executable program. Compilation flags for Bigloo: ----------------------------- Compilation flags SAFECOMPFLAGS and UNSAFECOMPFLAGS are used to tune the Bigloo compiler. - UNSAFECOMPFLAGS correspond to the ``-O fast'' option of the camlc compiler (no bound tests for vector and string accesses and updates). This is the most optimizing option for Caml compilation using Bigloo. - SAFECOMPFLAGS is the safe optimizing option of Bigloo: you can remove the -O2 flag, the compilation will be a bit faster but the compiled code runs significantly slower. Choose the flags appropriate to your case (default flags of the make file template are safe ones). ******* file Makefile (template) ********* OBJS= # List of object files DEST= # Target executable program CAMLC=bigloo CAMLLINK=$(CAMLC) CAMLLEX=camllex CAMLYACC=camlyacc CAMLDEP=camloodep RM=/bin/rm -f LINKFLAGS=-extend caml SAFECOMPFLAGS=-O2 UNSAFECOMPFLAGS=-unsafe -O2 COMPFLAGS=$(SAFECOMPFLAGS) all: $(DEST) $(DEST): $(OBJS) $(CAMLLINK) -o $(DEST) $(COMPFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LINKFLAGS) clean: $(RM) $(DEST) *.zi *.o *.sci *~ #*# .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .mli .zi .ml .o .c .sci .scm .mli.zi: $(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) $< .ml.o: $(CAMLC) -A $(COMPFLAGS) $< depend: mv Makefile Makefile.bak (sed -n -e '1,/^### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/p' Makefile.bak; \ $(CAMLDEP) *.mli *.ml) > Makefile rm Makefile.bak ### EVERYTHING THAT GOES BEYOND THIS COMMENT IS GENERATED BY CAMLOODEP ### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE ******* end of Makefile (template) ********* The camloodep command is a perl script, picked up from the Caml Light system source code and adapted to Bigloo by Franc,ois Rouaix (you need the perl programming language, supposed to be installed in directory /usr/local/bin, to run this program). ******* file camloodep ********* #!/usr/local/bin/perl # To scan a Caml Light source file, find all references to external modules # (#open "foo";; or foo__bar), and output the dependencies on standard output. # # Usage: camloodep [-I path] ... while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = shift(@ARGV); if (/^-I(.*)$/) { $dir = $1 ? $1 : shift(@ARGV); $dir =~ s|/$||; unshift(@path, $dir); } elsif (/(.*)\.mli$/ || /(.*)\.zi$/) { do scan_source ($_, "$1.zi"); } elsif (/(.*)\.ml$/ || /(.*)\.o$/) { do scan_source ($_, "$1.o"); } else { die "Don't know what to do with $_"; } } sub scan_source { local ($source_name, $target_name) = @_; $modname = $target_name; $modname =~ s|^.*/||; $modname =~ s|\.z[io]$||; undef(%imports); open(SRC, $source_name) || return; while() { if (m/#\s*open\s*"([^"]*)"/) { $imports{$1} = 1; } while (m/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)__/g) { $imports{$1} = 1; } } close(SRC); undef(@deps); if ($target_name =~ m/\.o$/ && -r ($source_name . "i")) { push(@deps, "$1.zi"); } foreach $modl (keys(%imports)) { next if ($modl eq $modname); if ($dep = do find_path ("$modl.mli")) { $dep =~ s/\.mli$/.zi/; push(@deps, $dep); $dep =~ s/\.zi$/.o/; push(@deps, $dep); } elsif ($dep = do find_path ("$")) { $dep =~ s/\.ml$/.o/; push(@deps, $dep); } } if ($#deps >= 0) { print "$target_name: "; $col = length($target_name) + 2; foreach $dep (@deps) { $col += length($dep) + 1; if ($col >= 77) { print "\\\n "; $col = length($dep) + 5; } print $dep, " "; } print "\n"; } } sub find_path { local ($filename) = @_; if (-r $filename) { return $filename; } foreach $dir (@path) { if (-r "$dir/$filename") { return "$dir/$filename"; } } return 0; } ******* end of camloodep ********* Manuel Serrano & Pierre Weis.