I'm trying to build a multithreaded application (my own, written from scratch) using Ocaml, Lablgtk2, and Lablgl. I use Omake as the build system, and the project consists of several different Ocaml libraries (my own as well as 3rd party).

Here's the error I get when I try to compile the application:

Files /Users/krohrer/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/lablgtk2/gtkThread.cmx
and /Users/krohrer/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/lablgtk2/gtkThread.cmx
both define a module named GtkThread

This only happens when I try to compile a native code application, as opposed to byte code.

Now, my knowledge of the ocaml library system is somewhat limited. So I thought I'd ask here, in the hope that if this is really a lablgtk2/godi/omake error, somebody will tell me.
Any ideas on this one?

Thanks in advance
- Kaspar Rohrer

PS: Currently the application is single threaded, but due to output redirection using pipes, I get the occassional freeze. (Pipe gets flooded!)