Hi Xavier,

Okay, here's some further clarification and this time I'm attaching a file. I've had to GZip it because it's so big.

The bug in question occurs on line 4078.

I should clarify. This file becomes part of a library that is linked into another OCaml program.  On one input file that this OCaml program takes as input it fails on line 4078.  On other files it fails on other lines. However, the code it fails at always seems to be of the form:

    _v2 = camlidl_alloc_small(18, 0);
    { mlsize_t _c8;
      for (_c8 = 0; _c8 < 18; _c8++) Field(_v2, _c8) = _v3[_c8];

What's strange about this is that this is automatically generated code from CamlIDL (with a few extra debugging messages I threw in). Xavier, I'm using CamlDL to write a binding to a  C front-end which has an absolutely huge C data structure.  I've had to write several extensions to CamlIDL to make this a reality, but for the moment I'm keeping these in my own source control mainly because your coding style is very clean and many of my extensions could have been done a lot more elegantly.  

However, the code that is being generated above was already generated by version 1.05 of CamlIDL. 

The file can be found at: http://howe.textdrive.com/~sseefried/files/test.c.gz
