Arf, sorry, I got mixed with OPA syntax (or revised syntax).

This was actually

let 'a truc_maker = Machin of 'a -> int | Recur of 'a truc_maker
let truc = maclasse truc_maker

On Mar 17, 2011, at 12:01 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

You'll probably need something along the lines of:

class maclasse = object(self)
  val mutable valeur = (None : truc option)
  method getValeur = valeur
let truc_maker('a) = Machin of 'a -> int | Recur of truc_maker('a)
let truc = truc_maker(maclasse)

On Mar 17, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Pierre-Alexandre Voye wrote:

So, this is impossible  ?   :

class maclasse = object(self)
  val mutable valeur = (None : truc option)
  method getValeur = valeur
truc = Machin of (maclasse->int) | Recur of truc;;

(three attempt to write a correct example of my problem.. All apologies !)

2011/3/17 Guillaume Yziquel <>

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