Simpler representation - tried compiling this and got the same syntax error - at a line number that was after the EOF.  Thanks in advance for any help!!

let add_text variablelist text =
  variablelist.contents <- text::variablelist.contents

let originalprogramcontents = ref [""]

let _ =
  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
  let rec storeoriginalprogram =
    let expr = lexbuf in
    match expr with
    | EOF   -> ()
    | _     -> (add_text originalprogramcontents expr); storeoriginalprogram
  in let parseprogram = List.iter
    (fun n -> print_string n; print_string "\n";) originalprogramcontents

$ ocamlc -c
File "", line 17, characters 1-1:
Syntax error


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Joel Christner <> wrote:

I hope you guys don't mind another beginner's question, I'm waiting on approval from the Yahoo! group moderator for the beginner's section.

I'm trying to implement a toplevel function that will accept input from stdin (someone running the program will do ./programname < someinputfile), store it to a ref string list, and then once stored, iteratively evaluate each item in the list individually.

What I've put together is:

let _ =
  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
  let rec storeoriginalprogram =
    let expr = Parser.expr Scanner.token lexbuf in
    match expr with
    | EOF   -> ()
    | _     -> add_text originalprogramcontents expr; storeoriginalprogram
  in let parseprogram = List.iter
    (fun n -> eval expr) originalprogramcontents

- Parser and Scanner are already built and working great
- When a line of text comes in, it calls 'add_text' which adds the expr into the 'originalprogramcontents' ref string list, and then recursively calls itself to get the next line
   - let originalprogramcontents = ref [""]
   - let add_text variablelist text = variablelist.contents <- text::variablelist.contents
- Then when finished reading from stdin, iteratively executes 'eval' against each line in the ref string list called 'originalprogramcontents'

For some reason (probably a stupid mistake on my part) it's giving me a syntax error and pointing to a line of code that is AFTER the end of my program:

$ make
ocamlc -c
File "", line 203, characters 2-2:
Syntax error
make: *** [program.cmo] Error 2

But my program is only 202 lines long.

Any ideas on how I might go about making this work?
