On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain@le-gall.net> wrote:
Have you tried the "revamped" quickstart subcommand. I am trying to make
the creation of _oasis as easy as possible...

If you have any suggestions to help make "lighter", I'll be happy. BTW,
when you say "heavier", is it in term of complexity, of size of the
generated setup.ml or something else?

I think it's mostly a question of getting used to the new features of oasis.
Oasis much more things than with a META (configuration, compilation, etc.), so the downside is that there are more things to specify in a _oasis file than in a META file.

During my work with various such tools (Makefile, META, etc.), I found out that I rely strongly on example files that I can copy/paste and modify/adapt. With time I have accumulated some templates for Makefile/META/_tags/myocamlbuild.ml covering my basics need, and I know where to look for more advanced things to imitate. I have not yet accumulated a comprehensive set of reusable _oasis files (though the documentation is certainly in the good direction), but I think it's just a matter of time.

And before OASIS-DB, there should be "oasis bundle", that should do
exactly what you ask me.

I can try to create an experimental oasis-bundle-0.2.0.tar.gz. Will you
test it?

Certainly I'd be glad to give it a try.

> It's a triviality to say but I'm quite happy with the change in command-line
> invocation style (OASIS -setup => oasis setup). Four small comments
> regarding this : [..]

All this seems quite reasonable. May I ask you to submit feature
requests about this on the BTS?
