2010/12/1 Ilya Seleznev <itsuart@gmail.com>
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Philippe Veber
<philippe.veber@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Short story (details below): I'm currently writing a program relying on
> react, lablgl and ocamlsdl. This program segfaults on my laptop under two
> linux distributions (ubuntu and gentoo) but doesn't on a PC under ubuntu.
> The seg fault occurs with both bytecode and native executables. I don't do
> any marshaling nor use any typing magic; stack overflow is not likely. I
> humbly ask this list about means to improve valgrind or gdb outputs, which
> don't report informative function names, or more generally, any tip that
> could help me to locate the origin of the problem.

I would log mouse events, that went into 'picking_handler' to ensure
that no unexpected input sent by SDL.

 Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately from the event type there is not much to learn that could help here. Or at least I don't see what ... Or maybe you're refering to a low level logging, that is, log values at the C binding level ?