Hello, I'd like to use the Caml Light codebase as a jumping-off point for a new (language-level) functional programming project. Also, I like to use public hosting (Google Code) for my projects. The problem however is the QPL license which means I need to maintain patchfiles rather than actual sources. This is awkward for version control and such. Suggestions? I see that Moscow ML is a fork of Caml Light, however they forked the 0.61 version (1993) which didn't yet have the QPL-style clause prohibiting the direct distribution of modified sources. My ideas: - I could also fork the 0.61 version (I actually tried to compile it, encountered some minor issues but I'm sure they could be worked around) - I could perhaps join the Caml Consortium, but 3000 Euro seems like a lot for this -- especially at this stage. - Is there still an active desire to restrict use of Caml Light 0.7x in this way? And would the 0.61 workaround be going against the spirit of things, if not the letter? - Is there a better jumping-off point for my project? My own feeling is that this code has probably aged rather well (although i have no wish to spend time re-fixing the pre-1998 bugs). Thanks in advance for any help, Jeremy