Yes, I've seen how wired the GC is in the ocaml sources. I had used the Boehm GC in a compiler project (not for the generated code but the compiler), do you mean that one would have to disable most optimizations in the ocaml bytecode compiler to make such a hypothetical bytecode-to-C compiler work with a C GC, or am I missing something crucial? It's great to be able to learn from actual ocaml compiler writers, BTW, your comments are much appreciated. Regards, On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Fabrice Le Fessant <> wrote: > The problem is still the same: even if the code is compiled by a C > compiler, there is still the need for the garbage collector. If you > don't provide your own conservative GC (for which you would have to > reimplement all the native functions of OCaml), then you need to use > OCaml GC, and you would have to disable most optimizations to be sure > that the GC knows where to find live references. At the end, you would > get almost no performance improvement, compared to just appending the > assembly code for each bytecode instruction (see Piumarta's work in > PLDI'98). > > --Fabrice > > Eray Ozkural wrote, On 09/16/2010 02:38 AM: > > Well, what I would do is to apply a fully optimizing compiler from a > > proper hardware abstraction layer, whether it is JIT is irrelevant, but > > I do not see why the system would not start doing this as soon as the > > code is loaded in some place (and not when it starts to run). What is > > certain is that some simple transformation will not speed things up much. > > _______________________________________________ > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management: > > Archives: > Beginner's list: > Bug reports: > -- Eray Ozkural, PhD candidate. Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara